Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently smirked his way through an appearance on Fox News as he defended Joe Biden’s record on crime by urging viewers to research crime statistics under Biden’s administration and compare them to Donald Trump’s.
To blame Donald Trump for the spike in violent crime in the run-up to the 2020 election, as Mayor Pete did, is a lie. The crime spike in the summer of 2020 was a campaign op conducted by the Democrats and corporate media that cost billions in private citizens’ property and many lives. What Mayor Pete did is disgusting.
Granted, I’m biased: my brother was shot during that 2020 Summer of Floyd in Mayor Pete’s South Bend — while he was mayor. My brother nearly died and became permanently disabled because Mayor Pete, along with all the rest of Democrat politicians, went soft on rioting, assault, and even murder (attempted and completed) for fear of appearing racist and to create a climate of unrest in order to beat Trump at the ballot box.
That said, let’s discuss how fundamentally wrong Mayor Pete is on crime. First, it is important to remember that arguments about crime levels are only arguments about crime statistics, that is, reported crimes. Everyone knows things have gotten woolier and friskier on our city streets under Biden. And everyone knows crimes are not being fully reported. Police don’t show up for hours to pressing, even violent, crime since 2020 (if they do at all).
There aren’t enough cops, and the cops that are on duty — God love ’em — are not nearly as engaged as they used to be. And it is hard to blame them. But the Dem propaganda machine can only gloss with deceptions the awful situation. Democrats praise a historic “annual drop” to levels above 2019 crime rates from the disgusting, murderous highs of 2020, 2021, and 2022 (under Biden and the media’s sway).
This obtuseness about the Democrat and media-stoked violence of 2020, whipped up to create a deep desire for someone other than Trump in the fall 2020 election, is laughable. “We still don’t know why murders in the U.S. rose so much.” Sure, champ.
If you want a longer explanation of what the propaganda press did that awful summer, read my X thread. I want to make one other point here about crime under Biden, in addition to the crime spree his campaign and administration created. This point seems to be hiding in plain sight.
Pew sees two high-water marks for so-called “unauthorized immigration”: the twin peaks of 2007 (under Obama) and 2024 (under Biden). While we can be thankful Pew is at least reporting those clear, even if very conservatively reported, facts about the Democrats on immigration, Pew nevertheless shows an unwelcome bias by failing to — heh — report on the decidedly criminal nature of that immigration. That is, all these people are breaking our immigration laws; that’s what we used to call crime.
So, while the crime rate is up, through the roof, and even the reported crime rate has spiked in the era of bloody Biden, corporate media continues to browbeat everyone into calling a whole host of crimes something other than crime.
Unsurprisingly, as people become more comfortable breaking the law, lying about that clear legal fact has a snowball effect, degrading law-abiding society more and more. Things that are still criminal on the books become tolerated. People don’t even bother to call the police for minor violence and vandalism. They put up more and more surveillance to try to protect themselves and their property. And Democrat politicians, such as Alvin Bragg, define deviancy down, calling felonies misdemeanors and bragging shamelessly that they’ve reduced felonies.
The reduction in police protection and safety on the streets is packaged as progressive, forward-thinking, wave-of-the-hopeful-future, digital, techno-optimistic claptrap from our Democrat media politicos. They fail to recruit cops, add more liberty-killing surveillance, and then claim victory: “WE’VE GOT MORE CAMERAS! WE WILL WATCH YOUR BEATING AND THEN BE SURE TO FOLLOW UP!” Thanks, Democrats.
The other day, Dana Perino pointed out on air that, while peaceful protest is a protected right, spray-painting and defacing federal buildings and monuments, and burning publicly owned American flags, are not legally protected forms of protest. Taking flags from government property is theft (a crime); burning them constitutes arson (another crime). Our Democrat-controlled governments no longer prevent such crimes nor prosecute them when they are committed.
Perino is right. Under the spell and rule of corporate media, we have become desensitized to these crimes and so many others. So when Mayor Pete goes on television to smirk and gaslight us, let’s try to keep our heads and believe our own eyes and not his lying face.