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Jump Around! College Football Is Back And Dr. Fauci Can’t Stop It

college football
Image CreditPiqsels

After seeing sports from the NBA to the NFL to the Olympics so politicized, many also expressed relief at the patriotism on display at college games.


I’ve been back in the SEC two days, and I’ve already lost track of how many college football references have cropped up in conversation. My college freshman brother, never a particularly big football fan, was checking the score between Florida and Florida Atlantic because, as he informed me, several of his friends were there. We met extended family for dinner, and my uncle excitedly filled us in on Notre Dame’s overtime win over Florida State while my aunt told us about getting skybox seats to watch the Florida Gators.

I’ve never been the most knowledgeable college football fan, but I have fond childhood memories of doing the Gator chomp while wearing orange and blue at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. Going to college in northern Virginia, I was mystified to learn that most of my friends from the rest of the country cared more about the NFL than college sports.

But even for a non-expert like myself, the camaraderie and nostalgia of college football are heartwarming. There’s nothing like linking arms and singing with 80,000 strangers with whom you may have nothing in common but allegiance to a particular team.

As the first week of college football has — am I allowed to say kicked off? — it’s worth remembering that none of it would have happened if Dr. Anthony Fauci had his way. Thankfully, no one seems to be paying attention to his orders, or his personal vendetta against anyone anywhere ever going back to normal.

College football is off to a glorious start, and Fauci is powerless to keep it from happening. Even the federally-funded military academies ignored Fauci’s fearmongering, starting off the season with games on Saturday.

After seeing sports from the NBA to the NFL to the Olympics so politicized, many expressed relief at the patriotism on display at college games.

Fans even took the opportunity to make it clear they don’t care what President Joe Biden thinks, either. In a spirited (if crass) display of defiance, chants of “f-ck Joe Biden” erupted at at least four games over the first week of college football.

Meanwhile, unable to sit quietly by while Americans enjoyed the long weekend in football stadiums, Fauci popped up Tuesday morning on CNN to make sure we all knew he doesn’t think college football games are “smart.”

Fauci wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stand watching the rest of the country have fun. Blue checkmarks and media outlets couldn’t stop themselves from expressing their fearful horror.

One even listed crises created by Democrats’ lockdowns and COVID restrictions, alongside the Biden administrations’ inflation and Afghanistan crises, and concluded with the takeaway that conservatives shouldn’t dare enjoy a college football game.

“Will college football games become covid-19 coronavirus superspreader events?” asked Forbes.

One woman even compared the United States to New Zealand, which went into nationwide lockdown over a single COVID-19 case and instructed citizens, “Do not talk to your neighbors.”