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Peter Buttigieg Loves God’s Creation When It’s A Rainbow But Not When It’s A Baby


South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg is on a mission to ensure America knows Republicans don’t have a monopoly on faith. At last week’s CNN climate change town hall, he was the only 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to mention God’s creation as a reason to care for the Earth, saying:

If you believe that God is watching as poison is being belched into the air of creation, and people are being harmed by it, countries are at risk of vanishing in low-lying areas, what do you suppose God thinks of that?

Taking care of the Earth doesn’t mean employing extreme progressive environmental policies, but Buttigieg’s passion for creation as a God-given gift is respectable, and something Americans of faith may resonate with. Taking care of creation in all its forms is to live out God’s call in Genesis 2 to “tend and watch over” the Earth.

Buttigieg’s sentiments on these matters, however, didn’t command respect for long. Days later, his comments on another part of God’s creation took a completely different tone.

Buttigieg Pretends the Bible Defends Abortion

When asked about abortion on The Breakfast Club radio show, Buttigieg defended the procedure’s morality through all nine months of pregnancy, saying, “There’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath.” With that, a man who claims the moral high ground on everything from the minimum wage debate to immigration policy wrote off God’s greatest creation — humanity — as unworthy of care and protection until birth.

The Bible does frequently discuss the “breath of life,” but Buttigieg’s selective use of scripture to justify the desecration of life in the womb is misleading, and discounts the undeniable signs of human life that exist very early in pregnancy. Anyone who has seen an ultrasound in the late first trimester (babies who are less than 12 weeks old) will attest to a clearly formed head, nose, fingers, and toes, not to mention the squirmy movements of a child teeming with life. You don’t need breath — or even God — to inherently know life has most definitely begun.

Perhaps Buttigieg has never seen one of those or is unfamiliar with the miraculous procedure of prenatal surgery, in which pre-born baby hands have gripped the fingers of white-gloved surgeons removing tumors from their bodies. Those children are not yet breathing air, but they do encase beating hearts and functioning limbs.

Maybe he’s not aware of micro-preemies such as baby Saybie, born at just 8.6 ounces, who rely on tubes to assist them in breathing the air that Buttigieg says determines life. What about babies who don’t breathe right away after birth? Their lives aren’t worthy of protection in that moment? I doubt Buttigieg would support not assisting a baby struggling to breathe after birth, but his expressed views on the issue don’t make that clear.

Buttigieg Doesn’t Care What God Actually Says

None of that really matters, though, because Buttigieg doesn’t actually care about those Bible verses or what God has to say about life at all. He made that clear in the same interview, minutes later, saying this:

I might draw the line here, you might draw the line there, but the most important thing is the person who should be drawing the line is the woman making the decision.

So never mind about what scripture says or what’s morally sound in the grand scheme of life. Buttigieg says it’s the pregnant woman who decides when life begins, presumably based on her current circumstances and emotional state of being. In fact, the Bible plays no part in this at all. To Buttigied, the determination of life hinges not on a God-given right to life — or even breath — but on a mother, who may or may not find such a life worthy.

It appears Buttigieg is using scripture as a front to promote leftist policies in hopes that tagging them with “faith” will win over religious voters disillusioned with Trump evangelicalism. It’s true he has an opportunity to reach this demographic, but by alienating the majority of voters who don’t support abortion until birth, he’s not doing himself any favors.

As Buttigieg said in the climate town hall, “You don’t have to be religious to see the moral dimensions of this.” One could say the same of his concerning views on unborn children.

With the rainforest and greenhouse gasses, he’s confident that forsaking our duties to care for this slice of creation is “a kind of sin.” Yet he’s convinced that’s God’s creation inside the womb is unworthy of that same care and protection. It’s hard to deny a double standard as glaring as this one.