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This New Podcast Can Help You Decide What To Watch Next On Netflix

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In the new podcast, “Flix It,” Ellie Bufkin and David Marcus revisit lesser known movies available on Netflix that may or may not be worth streaming.


Federalist New York Correspondent David Marcus and Federalist Contributor Ellie Bufkin are teaming up to help you decide what to stream. Their new show, “Flix It,” is a weekly podcast that deep dives into the often lesser known movies currently available for streaming on Netflix.

David and Ellie discuss one movie each episode, carefully reviewing the history of the movie, it’s current watchability, and it’s historic and lasting effect on pop culture. Ellie’s experience as a film critic coupled with David’s background as a working actor provide rich, detailed, and thought provoking insight into your Netflix selections. Spoilers are abundant.

In the premiere episode of “Flix It,” David and Ellie discuss the Coen brother’s Neo-Western 10 years after it won the Best Picture Oscar, Woody Harrelson’s unlikely link to the story, and what happens when you hide cash in an air duct.

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