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Hemingway: Obama Is Delusional About What His Own Legacy Is


‘Obama is absolutely delusional about what his own legacy is. His legacy can be summed up in three words, which is ‘President Donald Trump.’


Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway joined Fox News’s “Special Report with Bret Baier” Thursday night to discuss outgoing President Barack Obama’s legacy.

“Obama is absolutely delusional about what his own legacy is,” Hemingway said. “His legacy can be summed up in three words, which is ‘President Donald Trump.’”

“Americans did not vote for Donald Trump because they thought Obama’s presidency was a success,” she said. “They voted for him because they think it has been a tremendous failure. This farewell tour that he’s going on where he is saying that he hasn’t had any scandals in eight years, when everything from their actual body trails from Benghazi and ATF, lying about the Iran deal, the IRS targeting political enemies — I mean, this is just delusional.”