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Kamala Harris Seized Damning Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos 8 Years Ago, And They’re Finally Unsealed

Kamala Harris aided Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation in hiding their alleged baby body part trafficking.


While serving as California attorney general in 2016, Kamala Harris sent 11 California Department of Justice agents to raid the home of journalist and pro-life activist David Daleiden. Harris’ office seized Daleiden’s camera equipment and hard drives containing undercover videos allegedly exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby body parts. For eight years, much of Daleiden’s footage has been sealed and unseen until now.

In March of this year, Congress held a hearing on, “Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting,” which included footage subpoenaed from Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress (CMP). In May, the San Francisco District Court ruled that CMP cannot be prevented from releasing the subpoenaed footage, and on July 30, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R- Ga., released full, unedited versions of the footage as an addendum to the congressional hearing.

The release of these new videos allows Daleiden to continue his journalistic work that began in 2015, uncovering Planned Parenthood’s alleged participation in fetal organ trafficking. His latest videos include alleged admissions from Planned Parenthood employees about their “financial incentives” and their own graphic descriptions about the process for procuring late-term fetuses to sell.

In one conversation, the Center for Medical Progress reporter posing as a laboratory wholesaler spoke with individuals identified as Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and Tram Nguyen, RN, the branch’s Vice President of Abortion Access. As the three discuss competition for fetal organs and cells based on what is “more profitable” for suppliers, Schutt-Aine responds, telling Nguyen: “[Y]ou told me about the proposition, and so now every time a do a D&E [dilation and evacuation abortion], I’m like, ‘Oh there’s some lungs, there’s some kidneys.’”

Nguyen describes delivering suppliers aborted fetuses with missing limbs: “We just had to hurry up, whereas other days it’s more intact, where it’s like maybe only like an arm that’s disarticulated.”

“I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have like a leg for you!’ I’m like, oh sh**, if other people were to hear me, they’d be like, you are f***ing evil,” she added later.

“Attorney General Harris raided my home and seized this footage to try to block it from release for eight years, on orders from Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation. Now everyone can see why they did it — the remaining undercover videos are too incriminating to explain away,” Daleiden said of his latest work.

While the content of the videos exposes the morally bankrupt employees and executives behind the country’s largest abortion provider, Harris’ rush to seize the videos without even fully knowing their content exposes the current Democratic presidential nominee’s willingness to weaponize the power of her office on behalf of her political donors. As I wrote in 2019 during preliminary hearings, the attack on Daleiden was a political hit job by Harris to cover up the late-term abortion criminal activity Daleiden exposed:

Harris personally met with six Planned Parenthood executives in March 2016, at the attorney general’s Los Angeles office. An email outlining action items from the meeting shows that they discussed both Planned Parenthood’s political agenda in the state of California and her investigation into Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress. Two of the six executives in that meeting were used as witnesses in Harris’ criminal investigation.

Two weeks after that Los Angeles meeting, Harris ordered a search warrant specifically seeking Daleiden’s unreleased videos and documents, which should have been protected by the California shield law protecting citizen journalists’ unpublished materials. Harris has received tens of thousands of dollars in political contributions from Planned Parenthood-affiliated entities.

From 2010 to 2015, Planned Parenthood, its board members, and other abortion groups donated over $81,000 to Harris’s political campaigns, reported LifeNews. When she was running for Senate in 2016, Harris’s campaign website featured a petition asking visitors to sign in support of preventing Planned Parenthood from being defunded.

Harris’ actions as AG also highlight her complete disregard for the First Amendment. California’s video recording law does not prohibit anybody from recording conversations in a public area that anybody can oversee. The law also explicitly permits recording, even a private conversation, if it is being done in order to gather evidence of a violent crime. And yet, Daleiden was the first and only case in California in which a journalist has ever been charged with violating the state’s video recording law.

“If I had been investigating unsafe grocery practices, animal abuse, or unlicensed gun sales, would Kamala Harris ever thought to pursue video recording charges against me?” asks Daleiden in another video. “It’s pretty obvious that the reason I alone was targeted by Kamala Harris is because I dared to criticize Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.”

These latest videos are a jarring reminder that Kamala Harris’ extremism is not just limited to her enthusiastic support of late-term abortion, but expose her as radically anti-free speech and more than willing to weaponize the government against her political enemies.

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