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April Fools! Gap In Trump’s Jan. 6 Phone Records Was A Big Media-Fabricated Nothingburger

No small constituency of Twitter’s blue check marks was eager to raise hysteria over the apparent gap in records.


It seems the mysterious gap in White House phone records on Jan. 6, 2021, which legacy media insisted was indicative of suspicious conduct within the Trump administration amid the riot at the capitol and which led the news cycle this week, was nothing but an April Fools joke.

“Fifty years ago, the scandalous actions of an American president were shielded from public view, thanks to a suspiciously convenient 18½-minute gap in the Nixon White House’s call recordings,” The Washington Post reported Tuesday. “Today, the actions of another American president remain shielded thanks to another convenient — and inexplicable — gap in White House records.”

If there is anything to be compared with former President Richard Nixon’s scandals in the one manufactured by the Democrats and the corporate press surrounding former President Donald Trump, however, it’s the House Jan. 6 Committee’s open execution of a modern-day “digital Watergate” complete with state-sponsored persecution of political dissidents.

Other outlets were quick to jump on the gap in White House records to frame a former president in the shadow of the only commander in chief to resign from office 50 years ago.

“Call Logs Underscore Trump’s Efforts to Sway Lawmakers on Jan. 6,” headlined The New York Times moments after publication of the story from The Washington Post.

“Trump White House phone records show 7-hour gap on Jan. 6,” headlined another piece in NPR after the taxpayer-funded outlet refused to spill ink over Hunter Biden’s laptop 18 months ago as not to “waste” its “listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

Late-night comedy shows even weighed in on the new developments in the Jan. 6 investigation just as they did the Steele Dossier’s infamous pee tape hoax while the Post speculated about the White House use of burner phones.

Following a complete review of the purportedly missing call logs, however, CNN reported overnight in the early hours of Friday morning “there are no missing pages and the seven-hour gap is likely explained by use of White House landlines, White House cell phones and personal cell phones.”

CNN continued:

According to multiple sources familiar with Trump’s phone behavior and the White House switchboard records, the January 6 log reflects Trump’s typical phone habits. He mainly placed calls through the switchboard when he was in the residence but rarely used it when he was in the Oval Office. The fact the log does not show calls on January 6, 2021, from the Oval Office is not unusual, said the sources, because Trump typically had staff either place calls directly for him on landlines or cell phones. Those calls would not be noted on the switchboard log.

The six pages of White House switchboard logs for January 6, 2021, are complete based on an official review of White House records, according to a source familiar with the matter. There are no missing pages and the seven-hour gap is likely explained by use of White House landlines, White House cell phones and personal cell phones that do not go through the switchboard.

No small constituency of Twitter’s blue check marks, however, was eager to raise hysteria over the apparent gap in records.

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It seems the mysterious gap in White House phone records on Jan. 6, 2021, which legacy media insisted was indicative of suspicious conduct within the Trump administration amid the riot at the capitol and which led the news cycle this week, was nothing but an April Fools joke.

“Fifty years ago, the scandalous actions of an American president were shielded from public view, thanks to a suspiciously convenient 18½-minute gap in the Nixon White House’s call recordings,” The Washington Post reported Tuesday. “Today, the actions of another American president remain shielded thanks to another convenient — and inexplicable — gap in White House records.”

If there is anything to be compared with former President Richard Nixon’s scandals in the one manufactured by the Democrats and the corporate press surrounding former President Donald Trump, however, it’s the House Jan. 6 Committee’s open execution of a modern-day “digital Watergate” complete with state-sponsored persecution of political dissidents.

Other outlets were quick to jump on the gap in White House records to frame a former president in the shadow of the only commander in chief to resign from office 50 years ago.

“Call Logs Underscore Trump’s Efforts to Sway Lawmakers on Jan. 6,” headlined The New York Times moments after publication of the story from The Washington Post.

“Trump White House phone records show 7-hour gap on Jan. 6,” headlined another piece in NPR after the taxpayer-funded outlet refused to spill ink over Hunter Biden’s laptop 18 months ago as not to “waste” its “listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

Late-night comedy shows even weighed in on the new developments in the Jan. 6 investigation just as they did the Steele Dossier’s infamous pee tape hoax while the Post speculated about the White House use of burner phones.

Following a complete review of the purportedly missing call logs, however, CNN reported overnight in the early hours of Friday morning “there are no missing pages and the seven-hour gap is likely explained by use of White House landlines, White House cell phones and personal cell phones.”

CNN continued:

According to multiple sources familiar with Trump’s phone behavior and the White House switchboard records, the January 6 log reflects Trump’s typical phone habits. He mainly placed calls through the switchboard when he was in the residence but rarely used it when he was in the Oval Office. The fact the log does not show calls on January 6, 2021, from the Oval Office is not unusual, said the sources, because Trump typically had staff either place calls directly for him on landlines or cell phones. Those calls would not be noted on the switchboard log.

The six pages of White House switchboard logs for January 6, 2021, are complete based on an official review of White House records, according to a source familiar with the matter. There are no missing pages and the seven-hour gap is likely explained by use of White House landlines, White House cell phones and personal cell phones that do not go through the switchboard.

No small constituency of Twitter’s blue check marks, however, was eager to raise hysteria over the apparent gap in records.


Legacy outlets with an open animus against the former Republican president have been quick to run interference for the Jan. 6 Committee since its inception, legitimizing the Democrats’ latest hoax in the ashes of the Russiagate scandal and allegations of Ukrainian misconduct which fueled Trump’s first impeachment.

The Select Committee on Jan. 6, ostensibly created to probe the Capitol security failures while issuing less than 10 percent of its subpoenas on those associated with the turmoil, has its own history of fabricating evidence again, again, and again.

Legacy outlets with an open animus against the former Republican president have been quick to run interference for the Jan. 6 Committee since its inception, legitimizing the Democrats’ latest hoax in the ashes of the Russiagate scandal and allegations of Ukrainian misconduct which fueled Trump’s first impeachment.

The Select Committee on Jan. 6, ostensibly created to probe the Capitol security failures while issuing less than 10 percent of its subpoenas on those associated with the turmoil, has its own history of fabricating evidence again, again, and again.