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Even ‘The Bachelorette’ Proves Harvard Degrees Are Useless

‘The Bachelorette’ has a way of teaching us week after week what not to do. This week’s lesson? Don’t blow six figures on a Harvard education.


“The Bachelorette” has a way of teaching us week after week what not to do. This week’s lesson? Don’t blow six figures on a Harvard education.

Tuesday’s group date, dubbed the search to find a “grown-ass man,” featured a series of tasks for the men to do to prove their husband qualifications. In addition to a physical contest and a domesticity test, the date also included an intelligence portion.

One of the remaining contestants vying for the affection of the new bachelorette Tayshia Adams is none other than resident frat boy, boujee Bennett, who, in case you haven’t heard, is a graduate of Harvard University. Bennett, of course, thought he had the brains portion of the challenge in the bag.

“Growing up, school was not challenging, you know, whatsoever,” Bennett bragged. “I did go to Harvard, and I think that is playing into my favor. Yeah, I think I’m, you know, in the sort of upper echelon in terms of being a grown-ass man. I’m certainly the smartest.”

Turns out, the Ivy League didn’t prepare this New York City-dwelling wealth management consultant how to spell common words, tell time, or do basic math.

“Tayshia has 25 roses total,” former “Bachelor” contestant and this week’s date co-host Ashley Iaconetti began a story problem. “She gave out six roses during a cocktail party, one first-impression rose, and three during one-on-one dinners, how many roses does Tayshia have left?”

Even with a handy mini whiteboard for computations, Bennett failed, answering 19 instead of the correct 15.

“That’s kind of a poorly worded question,” the Harvard grad whined. “Well, if it had been worded appropriately, that would have been different.” (While it’s easy to see how the one first-impression rose could have been starting an appositive, breaking down the six roses — this is for all you devil’s advocates out there — the rest of the sentence clarifies that the three categories of roses are different.)

“Harvard might have to drop their tuition prices after seeing Bennett’s performance today,” joked Ed, another of the contestants.

“Spell ‘limousine,’” said Iaconetti’s group date co-host and husband Jared Haibon, also of Bachelor Nation fame. “It’s L-I-M-O-U-S-I-N-E,” Haibon revealed after a few moments.

Bennett flipped his board around to show another strike, having forgotten the “U” in his rendition of the word.

“Wait, who went to Harvard?” Iaconetti remarked with a laugh.

Bennett failed to calculate a simple time problem as well, unable to correctly calculate what time he would arrive at a date with Tayshia if he awoke at 7:35 a.m. and it took him one hour and 42 minutes to get ready and walk to her suite. (The correct answer is 9:17 am., not Bennett’s 9:07 flop.)

We already knew Harvard has become an inflated bureaucracy of Title IX officers and social justice professors, filled with so-called educators who take cheap shots at Christian home-schoolers and the Electoral College. Now we can add one more strike against the filthy rich institution, atop it having accepted Bennett in the first place.

It turns out, $300,000 can’t teach you how to spell “limousine.” It can only earn you a group-date “diploma” that affirms you as “grown-ass.”