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Sen. Martha McSally Blasts CNN Reporter On Camera: ‘You’re A Liberal Hack’

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While walking through the halls of the Senate, Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., refused to comment on the upcoming impeachment trial to CNN reporter Manu Raju.


While walking through the halls of the Senate Thursday morning, Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., refused to comment on the upcoming impeachment trial to CNN reporter Manu Raju. Instead, McSally informed Raju he is a “liberal hack.”

“Senator McSally, should the Senate consider new evidence as part of the impeachment trail?” Raju asked.

“Manu, you’re a liberal hack, I’m not talking to you,” McSally said.

“You’re not going to comment about this?” Raju asked.

“You’re a liberal hack, buddy” McSally responded.

Raju’s response only affirmed McSally’s point that he is in fact a liberal hack. Raju claimed McSally “lashed out” at him.

“Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican facing a difficult election race, lashed out when I asked if she would consider new evidence as part of the Senate trial,” Raju tweeted.

New York Times’ Michael Barbaro defended Raju by calling McSally’s “attack,” “false” and “unwarranted.”

McSally doubled down on her statement, tweeting her own video of the interaction and restating that Raju is a liberal hack. In the course of the exchange, McSally never raised her voice. She simply called out a CNN reporter for his obvious bias. She never “lashed out” or “attacked” Raju by any definition.