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Kamala Harris Ends Campaign After America Rejects Her ‘Foodie President’ Act

Image CreditMSNBC

The Kamala Harris campaign really, really wanted you to know that Kamala can cook. Look! She’s wearing an apron!


Kamala Harris suspended her 2020 presidential campaign on Tuesday, presumably after someone finally told her that cooking was not part of the president’s job description.

Harris often got flak for coming off as unnatural or cringey, but perhaps her most cringey moments were always the ones manufactured in the kitchen. Campaign aides never missed an opportunity to capture Harris interacting with food. It’s unclear whether this is because she is actually is a good cook, or because consuming food was the most relatable trait Harris shared with other humans.

A little bit of good-humored Mindy Kaling can usually fix anything, but not in Harris’ case. A week before she announced the end of her 2020 campaign, the Harris campaign dropped a video of Kaling and Harris cooking Indian food together in Kaling’s home.

In the video, which showcases some of the senator’s most cringey fake laughs, Harris, who is half-Indian, admits that she has never made masala dosa, the Indian dish Kaling has invited her over to cook.

Ahead of Thanksgiving, her press secretaries hammed up the tweets about their boss’s holiday meal plans.

Here’s the senator shopping for seasoned salt at Whole Foods, so relatable!

Double points for showing off the collard greens she brought back from a recent trip to South Carolina.

But it didn’t just start with Thanksgiving. Harris’ staff has been touting their “foodie” boss since the beginning. She loves french fries–just like us!

Except not just McDonald’s french fries. Harris cooks her own in duck fat, like a normal person.

Other cooking sessions with Harris include baking monster cookies with a high schooler in Iowa (in which she impresses the local with a one-handed egg crack), and making bacon-fried apples with Deidre DeJear, the chair of her Iowa campaign.

Watching her internal conflict over recommending eating raw cookie dough but then immediately revoking her recommendation on second thought is actually quite entertaining.

In July, when MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” wanted to do a candidate check up segment with Harris, it seems like roasting a chicken was her press guru’s first choice, helping make “foodie” Kamala’s debut.

The great irony is that only now that Harris is done campaigning will she actually have time to pursue her great love of chef-ing it up in the kitchen.