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Pence: Democrats’ Calls For Impeaching Brett Kavanaugh Are A ‘Disgrace’

On Tuesday Vice President Mike Pence branded calls from Democratic presidential candidates for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to be impeached a ‘disgrace.’


On Tuesday Vice President Mike Pence branded calls from Democratic presidential candidates for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to be impeached a “disgrace.”

“The Democrats and their allies in the media are obviously getting desperate,” Pence said at the Heritage Foundation after touting the administration’s appointment of more than 150 judges to federal courts. “This week, they’ve taken to smearing a sitting justice on the Supreme Court of the United States with discredited allegations. The calls by Democratic candidates for the president to remove Justice Kavanaugh from the court are a disgrace and nothing short of an attack on our independent judiciary.”

The Supreme Court’s newest justice faces revived scrutiny of alleged sexual misconduct from more than 30 years ago, including a new charge in which the alleged victim has denied any recollection of the incident.

“Justice Brett Kavanaugh is a good and decent man,” Pence said. “He is a principled jurist and a credit to the highest court in the land, and these attacks on Justice Kavanaugh must stop.”

Pence’s comments come after every major candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination except for the race’s front-runner, former vice president Joe Biden, endorsed impeaching the justice following new unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault while he was a student at Yale University.

In an attempt to re-litigate the polarizing Kavanaugh confirmation battle from last fall, Democrats have seized on the writing of two New York Times reporters out with a new book this week, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation” to delegitimize the justice.

The Times’ investigation, however, offered no evidence to corroborate previous claims from Christine Blasey Ford or Deborah Ramirez, with the authors admitting it was simply their own “gut reactions” to the allegations that made them believe they are true.