My friends, we are facing dark days. Not only have we failed to evolve into a monolithic hive mind of unisex-jumpsuit-wearing clones, there are still men who insist on not weighing the same as a duck. Geese invade our great country and freely roam our lands, freeloading off the elderly and children in our nations great parks and areas with water features.
Fret not, for hope is not lost. No, there is hope aplenty, springing in some fashion. For it is also spring and there is reason to have a spring in our steps. I have some wild gesticulations to prove it.
With a little optimism, a few wicked kick flips (one landed), and a boatload of cash, we can truly realize our potential. And by “our,” I mean mine. In days like these, our nation needs someone to pour its hope, optimism, and cash into. Mainly, cash, but the other two are fairly important.
That’s why I’m excited to join the other 768 currently declared candidates in the race for 2020. Ricardo “Rich” Cromwell 2020: I’m One of the Choices.
— JEFF NEWTON (@yonewt) March 14, 2019
The first thing I’ll need to do is show I’m a man of the people. I’m up to that task.
Yes hi, I’ll have the seasonal Miller Lite
— Karen D. Lioness (@DeadLioness) January 28, 2019
I promise not to be a normal politician, whatever that means at this point.
I’m the first to admit when I’m wrong because I like getting the jump on people
— Tony™ 🐜🍯 (@tsm560) March 23, 2019
Though I’ll probably still need a campaign manager. Time to think outside the box and in a bucket, back to the good ole roaster days.
*Addressing the bus to San Angelo*
Which one of you is my personal Kenny Rogers?
— Burning Mom (@MomOnFire) March 20, 2019
We’ve become accustomed to wild plans that will never materialize, so allow me to take it a step further. As your president, I will unequivocally make certain promises with regard to wild plans.
Don’t mind me. Just over here trying to control the universe.
— {esilair} (@esilair) March 22, 2019
Ummm, claim? Allow me to dazzle you with an extended guitar solo in which I’ll riff on a scale I kind of know.
Couldn’t everyone claim to be an experimental jazz musician?
— Johnny Two Balls (@LooptyBoo) March 17, 2019
I know this won’t be easy. My friends, we’ll (I’ll) face many adversaries. We (you) need to be prepared. Mainly by keeping the cash flowing.
Being my own worst enemy is just a preemptive strike. Don’t give me any shit about it, I know what I’m doing.
— richie (@theregoesrichie) March 14, 2019
If there’s one thing I might be consistent on, it’s that I will either disagree with you or agree with you in an unsatisfying way.
How dare you walk away from me without shaking your head.
— кєℓℓαℓєηα (@topaz_kell) March 15, 2019
That’s why I also promise that any and all necessary retribution will be swift.
[at a Best Western] “Behead then all!”
— Crow Magnom (@distracted_monk) March 17, 2019
And followed by more optimism and whatnot.
I like to stand next to someone on the elevator and whisper, ‘Have you seen the others?’
— antisocialsocialist (@gobmentcheese) March 13, 2019
Vagaries are just part of it. Don’t let that dampen your hope, but fuel it. Science.
I never said I was a theoretical physicist, I only said to think of me as one. Any assumptions are on you.
— Cat From Nowhe®e (@kv8) March 12, 2019
Because, like I said, dark days.
Pour me a gin, my love. Things are about to become rather unpleasant.
— V (@Inferno_V) March 8, 2019
Unlike the halcyon days of yore, when we knew how to settle our disagreements.
You and I have nothing left to say to one another…
Challenge me to a duel or GTFO.
— Yesterday Girl (@yesterdaygirly) March 7, 2019
At the same time, we have to be forward thinking and appeal to the youth, not just with wicked kick flips (still only one landed), but also with dope slang.
The avocado. Or, as it is known locally, the space potato
— Stu, For Real (@StuForReal) March 8, 2019
Another thing I promise is a focus on education, which is something that no other presidential candidates ever do. However, mine is uniquely similar in that I am also now aware of the need for skilled trades. Fortunately, I have a plan.
An online bartending course? This might be the thing that turns my life around.
— Sadie Smith 2.0 (@SadieSkyNinja) March 5, 2019
You may ask yourself if I’m “qualified” for the job. Let me state, also unequivocally, that I’m a totally “legitimate” candidate for president of the United States.
Knowing what you’re doing is overrated.
— Our Lady of Shipwrecked Souls (@miss_propriety) March 1, 2019
As such, I’ll need a campaign slogan. My campaign manager, “Kenny,” may disapprove, but I’m pulling rank on this one.
I’m a revolutionary series of new technologies, dipshit.
— Insignificant Funds (@4SLars) March 1, 2019
When it comes to the issues, I will only focus on the most important ones.
I’d rather argue with you about whether or not there’s a mountain lion on Cape Cod (there is)
— Al Dente (@six_2_and_even) February 28, 2019
My presidency will be marked by a whiff of Teddy Roosevelt with a focus on nurturing relationships between us (me) and our allies.
*calling onstar*
can you send someone out to help me fight this coyote in my car?— Sunshine Jarboly (@SunshineJarboly) February 26, 2019
I understand the importance of new media.
*gets kicked in the head by a mustang* I feel like arguing with people online
— Jackson Crawford (@Norsebysw) March 2, 2017
Like, no one better understands it than me.
Do like I do: revel in the petty.
— Mrs. Fitz (@PFitzpa) February 27, 2019
I’ll hold the media to the same standards.
I want a journalist that’s going to ask the tough questions, like: Why do llamas spit?
— Ironballs McGinty (@IronballsMcGinT) February 20, 2016
Because when realizing my own potential, I have a platform.
Me, on my deathbed: I just wish… I had… throat-punched… more people.
— Katie Didn’t (@Pork_Chop_Hair) December 7, 2017
Most candidates settle on a campaign song. I won’t stop there. I’m going for a campaign catalog.
there can never be too much kenny loggins
— Her Tall Boots🎲🎲 (@fuzzlime) February 26, 2019
Also, most candidates display a pretty poor understanding of civics. On that front, I promise continuity.
I have no need to be treated like a king, treat me how I deserve to be treated.
I want to dethrone the king.
— Bogey (@OneyeBogey) February 24, 2019
And also constant improvement.
I’m showing extraordinary year over year growth on the scale.
— Anna Grace (@graceupongracie) March 3, 2019
Especially since we’re facing those aforementioned dark days of yore, which are not to be confused with the halcyon days of yore.
I have bad news everyone. Katherine Heigl is back.
— EricaTriesToTweet (@EricaWhoToYou) March 21, 2019
I may be a man of the people, but I will remind you that I’m better than you when it comes to selecting the White House chef.
That smiley white hamburger helper glove better stay out of my house.
— Wondering (@stillwondering1) May 20, 2017
Also, the path ahead won’t be easy. I will have to vanquish some people. Let’s vanquish them together.
Being the source of all misery in someone’s life is exhausting but worth it.
— TattleTaleSister Ⓥ (@TattleTSister) March 21, 2019
This is an excellent question. Allow me to offer a response to an entirely different one that I like better.
How do I get out of your imaginary contract that I never agreed to or signed?
— Mable Gertrude (@MableGertrude) March 24, 2019
For example, this response is pretty much all-purpose.
Being stomped to death by that Pixar lamp would probably be the most adorable way to die.
— The Notorious RUPERT (@citizenkawala) March 25, 2019
My friends, I know campaigning will be tough, grueling, and other synonyms. I promise it won’t permanently change me.
My rage lies dormant for now and no one knows who I am.
— heather lou* (@heatherlou_) February 28, 2019
I should probably have a backup plan, though. Anyone know anything about this option? (Looking at you, “Kenny.”)
How does one go about becoming a British governor of a tropical island?
I’m thinking I’d like that to be my next career move.— Bethany Raccoon (@bethasparagus) February 20, 2019
I only said there would be a whiff of Teddy. Wild gesticulations and speaking softly don’t exactly go together.
If I scream what I’m doing it helps me be less resentful.
— de la soulless (@delasoulless) February 24, 2019
When it comes to missiles, you don’t have to worry. Lesser technology, though, well, we need a new budget-friendly space program. But one that stays closer to earth.
[I’m operating the bomb squad robot]
Check it out it does wheelies
— Böb Jänke Doodle Dandy (@Bob_Janke) March 23, 2019
Speaking of dark days, there’s the rubber chicken circuit, which is its own circle of Hell, but there’s another circle and circuit. This one is known for its liberal use of Campbell’s cream soups.
Get in the car, losers, we’re going to a potluck!
— Nonchalant Charlotte (@jellybnbonanza) March 3, 2019
And when you go to a potluck, you will face some adversaries.
But can you berate me without swearing
— OldCardigan (@MizzusT) February 23, 2019
Don’t worry, though, as always, I remain prepared.
If you see me with my waistcoat unfastened, it’s already too late.
— Pussycat, PussyKat (@ROSEandDAYFIELD) March 21, 2019
I’ll also need to think about what I wear on the campaign trail. “Kenny,” what do you think about this?
I always wear a bra(lette) when addressing the zoning commission.
— Olive Gravy (@offbeatoliv) March 18, 2019
While I may be a southern gentleman, I have my limits.
Never trust anyone that has wicker furniture inside the house
— Jawbreaker (@sixfootcandy) March 7, 2019
Sir, I will add this to my platform, which is extremely sturdy and not at all malleable.
I like to get my music the old-fashioned way: Packaged in a cardboard box three times bigger than needed and sealed with a tape that is both impenetrable and easily torn at the same time. Also I want a little booklet.
— RunwayDan (@RunwayDan) March 27, 2019
Madam, I have a commission in mind that can address just this concern. I may be in it for me, but I’m also in it for you so long as it doesn’t require much work.
someone PLEASE call all the police officers! A human operating one very large vehicle with robotic arms stole my beloved trash!
— taffy bennington ◬ (@singwithTaffy) February 25, 2019
You may be wondering if I’ll deliver on even a fraction of my promises. I as an atypical politician, I have an answer for you.
No thanks, I’m all about defusing expectations.
— C. A. Guardiola (@C_A_Guardiola) March 21, 2019
So, “Kenny,” what you’re saying is I should travel with a hologram? I like where this is going, even if it’s a little Krieger-esque.
Son, try to find yourself a nice, two dimensional girl with no back story who just wants to advance your narrative.
— Jack Boot (@IamJackBoot) March 1, 2019
Because given how given I am to dueling, I probably need an apparition with an alibi so as to maintain plausible deniability. Also, I could probably program it to actually land a sick kick flip.
*hands you the still smoking pistol with a dazzling nonchalance*
— Agatha Crispie (@agathagotstoned) February 19, 2019
As your president, I promise I will do many, many things that you will approve of and none that you disapprove of, unless you’re wrong. This may or may not be in line with the responsibilities afforded me by the Constitution, but that thing is pretty old. The important thing is that you donate, vote, and donate. Mostly money, but maybe some of your time, too.
Together, we can reclaim hope, optimism, our full potential, as well as usher in the return of Tangy Taffy. Please note that our full potentials may differ, but if you have ever dreamed of being referred to as an accomplice, then I’ve got you covered. Ricardo 2020: This Time, It’s “Legitimate.”
I’ll put you at the top of the news cycle, baby.
— Annie Hatfield (@HatfieldAnne) March 21, 2019