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Incoming US Senator: Congress Must Investigate Twitter’s Bias, Censorship

Senator-Elect Josh Hawley says Twitter’s claim to be ‘a forum for a true diversity of political discourse’ does not appear to be accurate.


Missouri Senator-Elect Josh Hawley tweeted on Tuesday about Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s apparent lies to Congress and called for an investigation of the social media publishing company. Hawley said Twitter’s claim to be “a forum for a true diversity of political discourse” does not appear to be accurate.

Twitter’s recent permanent ban of Federalist Senior Contributor Jesse Kelly’s account and censoring of other political content has drawn attention to Twitter’s arbitrary “rules.” The Federalist reported on Tuesday morning that a top House committee plans to review Dorsey’s testimony, including his claim that Twitter “does not consider political viewpoints, perspectives, or party affiliation in any of our policies or enforcement decisions, period.”

Hawley, formerly Missouri’s attorney general, defeated Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill in the 2018 midterm election. This is not the first time Hawley has gone after big tech. As attorney general, he launched an investigation into Google’s business practices and their use of user data.

“There is strong reason to believe that Google has not been acting with the best interest of Missourians in mind,” Hawley said in a statement last year.