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Super Tuesday’s Biggest Loser: Chris Christie

chris christie
Image CreditYouHotNews/YouTube

Failed presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was the laughingstock of the Internet Tuesday night for scowling at Trump.


Failed presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was the laughingstock of the Internet Tuesday night when he stood beside Donald Trump wearing a dour expression on his face.

Last month, Christie dropped out of the race after he lost very badly in both the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. Last week, Christie decided to endorse Trump, despite his earlier comments that the real estate mogul lacked the temperament to be president and that he would lose to Hillary Clinton.

On the night of Trump’s Super Tuesday win, Christie half-heartedly introduced Trump at a press conference and stood beside him, scowling at times, while the billionaire delivered a victory speech and took questions from the press.

Twitter users were quick to mock Christie for his pouty facial expressions and all of the governor’s decisions leading up to that moment onstage.

Twitter users were’t the only ones to turn on Christie. Six New Jersey newspapers called for his resignation from the governor’s office, saying they were sick of his “opportunism,” “arrogance,” and “hypocrisy.”