Updated August 30, 2024.
Democrats traded one liar for another when they replaced their presumptive 2024 presidential nominee President Joe Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris.
Harris may not quite live up to her counterpart’s long history of selling whoppers as truth, but there’s no doubt that she has fibbed far too often without consequence or accountability.
Democrats’ new darling likely wants voters to be “unburdened by what has been.” But not even her jumbled babble or unintelligible chattering can keep Harris’ radical track record and history of deception under wraps. Here’s a look back at some of Harris’ biggest lies to date.
35. Harris Campaign Celebrates Lower Gas Prices When They’re Actually Higher Under Biden-Harris Admin
The Harris campaign published a clip of the Biden-Harris administration’s National Economic Council director celebrating a decrease in the cost of gas. The post hailed “the lowest Labor Day gas prices in years.” According to the Energy Information Administration, however, gas prices this weekend are just $0.35 lower than this time last year, and they remain roughly $1.20 higher than in September 2020, when Donald Trump was president.
21-34. Harris’ DNC Speech
Harris lied at least 14 times when accepting the Democrat presidential nomination at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.
20. Harris Claims It’s Trump, Not Her, Who Will Weaponize DOJ
One of Harris’ most repeated talking points since she’s become a presidential nominee states that if Trump wins the White House in November, he will use the Department of Justice to target his political opponents.
“[Trump] will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies,” she said behind the vice presidential podium. “He will round up peaceful protestors and throw them out of our country. And even, quote, ‘terminate’ the United States Constitution.”
It’s the Biden-Harris administration, not Trump, however, that has a track record of weaponizing the federal government against its ideological enemies and destroying the Constitution.
Under Harris’ rule, faith-filled pro-lifers, parents, opponents to child transing, election integrity supporters, and Trump have become the targets of unfair prosecutions; Republican-nominated Supreme Court justices were refused protection; and Republican states that want to protect born and unborn children were threatened with punishment.
19. Harris Lies About Trump, GOP Abortion Platform
In the leadup to the 2024 presidential election, Harris ramped up accusations that Trump and Republicans will “ban abortion nationwide.”
Trump’s 2024 abortion platform centers on leaving decisions about ending life in the womb “up to the states.” In fact, the GOP nominee stated he would not sign federal legislation curbing abortion.
Congressional Republicans also have repeatedly failed to make progress on passing a popular 15-week abortion limit, making them much less likely to embrace a national halt on abortions.
18. Harris’ Fracking Flip-Flop
Shortly after the vice president became the Democrats’ 2024 presidential nominee, Harris’ campaign went after former President Donald Trump for exposing her radical belief that the U.S. should ban fracking.
“Trump’s false claims about fracking bans are an obvious attempt to distract from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives at the expense of the middle class,” Harris’ campaign said in a statement in July 2024.
“She would not ban fracking,” the campaign reaffirmed to Politico.
Harris, however, is on the record in 2019 during her first failed presidential run claiming that she is “in favor of banning fracking.”
17. Harris’ Team Falsely Claims J.D. Vance Endorsed Project 2025
Harris’ rapid response team used a 2021 “Federalist Radio Hour” clip to assert in July 2024 that Trump’s vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance supports Project 2025.
The podcast, however, was published in 2021, nearly a year before The Heritage Foundation launched the project in 2022.
16. Harris Denies Biden’s Obvious Decline
Harris spent months ahead of Biden’s disastrous debate performance and resignation from the 2024 presidential race reassuring Americans that her counterpart’s age did not affect his ability to govern.
“I’ll tell you, the reality of it is, and I’ve spent a lot of time with Biden, be it in the Oval Office, in the Situation Room and other places — he is extraordinarily smart. He has the ability to see around the corner in terms of what might be the challenges we face as a nation or globally,” Harris told ABC News in January.
Yet, Democrats’ coup-like candidate-replacement operation hinged on Biden’s obvious decline. One poll found that, of the 70 percent of voters who believe there was a cover-up of Biden’s decline, 92 percent believe Harris was complicit in the cover-up.
15. Harris Accuses Trump Of Trying To Cut Medicare, Social Security
Harris incorrectly claimed at a July 2024 American Federation of Teachers conference that “Trump and his allies want to cut Medicare and Social Security.”
Even partisan Politifact was forced to admit that Trump’s 2024 platform explicitly states that “under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security.”
14. Harris Repeats ‘Book Ban’ Falsehoods
During her American Federation of Teachers address, Harris accused Republicans who want to keep sexually explicit content off of school and library shelves of attacking “the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation’s true and full history, including book bans.”
“Book bans in this year of our Lord 2024,” she remarked.
In the context of taxpayer-funded classrooms, there is no such thing as “banned books.” The inappropriate stories Democrats claim are prohibited from circulation are still widely available to readers via publishers and booksellers.
13. Harris Allies Lie About Her Border Czar Appointment
After years of acknowledging and even praising Biden for naming Harris “border czar,” Harris’ allies in the White House and corporate media claimed in statements and fake fact-checks that she was never charged with overseeing the logistics of the record-breaking invasion.
Biden’s statements and the propaganda press’s fawning coverage of Harris, even as she did little to fulfill the role, however, prove that she was the “border czar” in their eyes until it wasn’t politically convenient for them anymore.
12. Harris Wrongfully Asserts NCAA Women’s Brackets Were Banned Until 2022
During the 2024 NCAA March Madness basketball tournament, Harris incorrectly claimed that female teams were excluded from brackets until 2022.
“OK, a bit of a history lesson — do you know that women were not, the women’s teams were not allowed to have brackets until 2022?” Harris told Spectrum News in April 2024. “Think about that, and … talk about progress, ya know, better late than never, but progress.”
While it’s true that the NCAA women’s tournament did not take on the March Madness branding until 2022, brackets for female competitors date back to the “early 1980s.”
Harris’ and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff’s social media accounts also directly contradict the VP’s claims by showing that the pair filled out women’s basketball brackets in 2021.
11. Harris Repeatedly Lies About Georgia Voting Law
During a March 2024 speech lamenting Republicans’ election integrity efforts, Harris inaccurately claimed that Georgia’s legislature passed a law banning water in poll lines.
“In Georgia, extremists passed a law to even make it illegal to give people food and water for standing in line to exercise their civic duty and right to vote,” Harris claimed.
Georgia’s election security law specifically bans political interest groups from using water to sway voters in line. Election workers are exempt from this restriction.
10. Harris Falsely Blames Republicans For Wisconsin Abortion Limit
“In this beautiful state of Wisconsin, after Roe was dismantled, extremists evoked a law from 1849 to stop abortion in this state,” Harris said at a Milwaukee rally in January 2024.
Even the fake fact-checkers at Politifact admitted that “Republican lawmakers didn’t have to lift a finger to put the 1849 provisions back into effect.” Instead, the overturn of Roe v. Wade sent the preexisting law through the court appeals system, in which the latest ruling claimed the 1849 law does not ban abortion.
9. Harris Fibs About Florida’s History Curriculum
“They want to replace history with lies,” Harris said at the Ritz Theatre and Museum in Jacksonville in July 2023. “Middle school students in Florida to be told that enslaved people benefited from slavery.” Harris had peddled the same lie the previous day in Indianapolis.
The curriculum standards, however, acknowledge that some former slaves used skills they acquired during their enslavement in the free world.
8. Worst VP In History Claims ‘Great’ Approval Ratings
Harris told ABC News’ Linsey Davis in July 2023 that some polls “say I have great approval ratings.”
The Democrat not only received the worst vice presidential rating in the history of modern polling, but her job approval at the time of the interview sat at 40.7 percent. Harris’ abysmal ratings have only continued, often ranking worse than Biden’s, and do not suggest that she’s up to the task of taking over the presidency.
7. Harris Lies About Bailing Out Violent Criminals
Harris told WCCO 4 News in October 2022 that claims she helped bail out the 2020 rioters who led the months-long, $2 billion siege of cities like Minneapolis were “misinformation.”
“People are playing political games right now. We’re 18 days away from midterms. And we have sadly not seen a lack of misinformation and disinformation, and I think this is another one of those examples,” the VP said.
Accused rapists, repeat offenders, and rioters alike, however, benefitted when Harris encouraged her social media followers to donate to a bail fund dedicated to those arrested during the 2020 summer of rage.
6. Harris Claims Spending Sprees Won’t Raise Taxes
“As promised, we will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year,” Harris claimed in September 2022.
Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation, however, found that Democrats’ misnomered Inflation Reduction Act will do “nothing to bring the economy out of stagnation and recession, but … will raise billions of dollars in taxes on Americans making less than $400,000.”
5. Harris Repeats Election Security Falsehood
When Georgia Republicans sought to pass an election integrity bill that would fortify the state’s elections, Harris lamented, “Across our nation, anti-voter laws could make it more difficult for as many as 55 million Americans to vote,” Harris claimed in a January 2022 remarks at the Atlanta University Center Consortium. “That is one out of six people in our country.”
There is no evidence that election integrity laws like the one in Georgia discriminate against legitimate voters. In fact, experts say measures like voter ID make it “easier to vote and harder to cheat” via mass ballot harvesting.
4. Harris Knowingly Spread Border Patrol Whipping Lie
Harris claimed in 2021 that she saw “horrible” footage of Border Patrol agents whipping illegal border crossers.
“Human beings should never be treated that way, and I’m deeply troubled about it,” Harris said.
A U.S. Customs and Border Protection investigation, however, later found no evidence that the horseback unit used their reins to strike migrants.
3. Harris Says ‘Almost Impossible’ For Rural Americans To Photocopy
While arguing against voter ID laws in an interview with BET News in 2021, Harris claimed that it’s “almost impossible” for rural Americans to make a photocopy.
Harris’ claim not only lacks evidence but is strongly contradicted by swaths of rural voters who found the comment insulting.
2. Harris Packages What Appears To Be A Popular MLK Story As Her Own
Harris loves to tell corporate media eager to boost her image a story about asking for “fweedom” from her stroller at a civil rights march.
That supposed childhood memory, however, suspiciously resembles one Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. told Playboy in 1965.
1. Harris Claims Jussie Smollett’s Race Hoax Was A ‘Lynching’
Despite serious doubts and a lack of evidence that actor Jussie Smollett was truly attacked in 2019 by a pair of racist, MAGA-loving men who tried to hang him by a noose, Harris called the alleged incident an “attempted modern-day lynching.”
The so-called hate crime was, in fact, later found to be staged by Smollett. Harris, however, did not retract her support or “lynching” statement even after Smollett was found guilty of felony disorderly conduct and making false police reports.