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Biden Administration Endorses More Baby Killing By Green-lighting Mail-Order Abortion Pills

abortion pill
Image / Pexels

The Food and Drug Administration announced on Thursday that it will allow women to mail-order abortion pills for do-it-yourself chemical abortions.


In the Biden administration’s latest decision to promote its radical pro-abortion agenda, the Food and Drug Administration announced on Thursday that it will allow women to mail-order abortion pills for do-it-yourself chemical abortions.

Previously, the FDA required women seeking to end the lives of their unborn babies up to 10 weeks gestation, right about when the baby-in-utero develops pain receptors, learns to curl his fingers, and even mimics breathing movements in the womb, to visit and obtain the drug from certified physicians. That prerequisite, however, was lifted earlier this year when the FDA announced it would “exercise enforcement discretion” in the name of the pandemic. Now, all that’s required to obtain the fatal, two-drug Mifeprex pills is a prescription from an abortion supplier via a telemedicine consultation.

Data shows that abortions performed at home using a pill caused a more than 500 percent increase in emergency room visits due to complications with chemical abortions. In a longitudinal study of the abortion drug mifepristone, one of the two drugs included in Mifeprex, the Charlotte Lozier Insitute found that in 17 taxpayer-funded abortion states, there was a 22 percent greater risk of general hospital visits within a month of taking an abortion pill and a 53 percent greater risk of chemical abortion-related hospital visits when compared to surgical abortion.

Similar studies focused on Finland, Sweden, and California found that abortion pill complication rates not only far outweighed surgical abortions but also increased over the years.

“Large-scale, peer-reviewed studies show chemical abortion is at least four times riskier for women than surgical abortion. Complications can include severe bleeding, infection, the need for surgical intervention, and in some instances even death. Taking abortion drugs during an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy, for example, can be fatal. No video chat, possibly from hundreds or even thousands of miles away, can replace in-person evaluation by a doctor. That is patient abandonment and an egregious example of playing politics with women’s health and safety,” said Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., senior fellow and director of life sciences at the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Several states including Ohio, Oklahoma, Montana, Indiana, Arkansas, Arizona, and Texas have already taken action to prohibit or limit the use of a mail-order abortion program while other red states are expected to follow.

“The Biden administration’s reckless move puts countless women and unborn children in danger. Abortion activists’ longtime wish has been to turn every post office and pharmacy into an abortion center. They promote abortion drugs as easy, painless and private,” Susan B. Anthony List State Policy Director Sue Liebel said. “Science says otherwise. Women who take chemical abortion pills are significantly more at risk of serious complications and more likely to require a visit to the emergency room. Some women even die. Already-exhausted ER doctors and nurses will be forced to ‘clean up after’ an abortion industry that puts profits before safety and won’t regulate itself — all to please Biden’s radical base and pay back political allies.”