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Only Nine Months In And The Biden Presidency Has Failed Spectacularly

It’s tough to maintain the illusion that you’re the answer to America’s ills when everything you touch crumbles. Biden’s learning this lesson the hard way.


It’s hard to keep up the illusion that you’re the answer to an entire country’s ills when seemingly everything you touch falls apart. President Joe Biden is learning this lesson the hard way, with his endeavors regarding the coronavirus, foreign policy, and national security all wreaking havoc simultaneously.

As the Associated Press documented, in one single hour on Friday afternoon, Biden and his team failed spectacularly on Afghanistan, ate crow on their next attempted COVID-19 milestone, and ticked off the United States’ longest ally.

For starters, the Pentagon revealed that the Kabul drone strike that Biden authorized in late August after the failed Afghanistan withdrawal not only wasn’t successful in taking out terrorists but instead killed 10 innocent civilians, including seven children. This is the airstrike that Gen. Mark Milley, who is under fire for making potentially treasonous phone calls to his communist Chinese counterpart, originally called “righteous.” It’s the drone strike that the administration falsely claimed had killed two “high-profile” terrorists.

But that wasn’t true. “The strike was a tragic mistake,” Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, admitted during a Friday news conference.

Then there was the vote by a panel advising the Food and Drug administration — a vote that wasn’t even close, by the way — not to recommend COVID vaccine booster shots for everyone over age 16. So much for Biden’s “trust the science” vaccine ambitions.

Finally, an angry France, a country that’s been a U.S. ally since 1778, announced it was pulling its ambassador to the United States after some submarine deal that Biden struck with Australia and the United Kingdom. According to the French foreign ministry, it’s never recalled its ambassador to the U.S. until now.

That all happened on the same afternoon. “It was an hour President Joe Biden would no doubt like to forget,” the AP narrated.

It’s an afternoon President Joe Biden no doubt did forget while it was still happening, given his recent track record on mental fortitude. And it’s an afternoon the corrupt press “forgot” as soon as it happened too, with a handful of Sunday news shows not even mentioning the report about the “tragic mistake” of a drone strike, according to Fox News.

But as these life-and-death failures continue to pile up in the Biden administration’s “L” column, the American people should not so soon forget.

This is the man who promised a return to normal but is instead pressuring private establishments to require vaccines and pushing government agencies to roll out boosters, science be damned. This is the president who promised an end to America’s endless wars but instead got 13 U.S. service members killed in his disaster of a withdrawal, green-lighted a drone strike that left little boys and girls dead, and keeps telling the stories of his own personal tragedies to garner sympathy for himself. This is the president who promised America was “back at the table” and “back in the business of leading the world” but instead angers America’s allies and does business with our enemies.

With a campaign slogan devoid of meaning, Joe Biden promised he would “build back better.” Instead, with this commander-in-chief, it’s one step forward, 10 steps back, plus human casualties and lost liberties all along the way. Joe Biden’s hour of mayhem on Friday wasn’t a fluke of his administration; it was a feature. And though his team and the media would no doubt like to forget it, we’d all do well to remember.