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Biden’s Staff Gave Him A Script So He’d Know Why He Was Calling Kamala Harris

Image CreditNBC News / Youtube

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s staff appeared to give him a script during his call with California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris Tuesday to ask her to be his running mate.


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s staff appeared to give him a script during his call with California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris selecting her as his November running mate Tuesday.

The photos show Biden, 77, holding a phone upside down, likely to place the microphone closer to the speakers of the computer showing Harris’s face.

The pictures fuel doubts over Biden’s cognitive capabilities as the presumptive Democratic nominee runs a nationwide campaign for Oval Office from his Delaware basement, stumbling in nearly every television interview.

[Follow along with Biden’s best slip-ups here.]

After months of speculation with tight-lipped deliberations and delays in the final stretch, Biden formally announced Harris will be on his vice-presidential ticket less than a week from the Democratic convention.

“I have the great honor to announced that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris – a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants – as my running mate,” Biden wrote on Twitter.

Harris will be the first non-Caucasian woman to run on a major-party presidential ticket in American history. Biden’s pick comes just more than a year after the California Democrat charged Biden with being a racist segregationist on the debate stage.