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Michael Bloomberg Bashes Joe Biden: ‘The Presidency Shouldn’t Be A Training Job’

Image CreditMSNBC

During an MSNBC exclusive, 2020 Democratic hopeful Michael Bloomberg called out Joe Biden claiming he’s not suited to be President.


2020 Democratic hopeful Michael Bloomberg criticized Joe Biden and other 2020 candidates in an MSNBC, interview Wednesday. Bloomberg said neither Biden, nor any other of his fellow 2020 candidates are suited to run the White House.

“Joe Biden doesn’t have the experience?” reporter Stephanie Ruhle asked Bloomberg.

“He’s never been a manger of an organization. He’s never run a school system. His wife actually is an educator and has good experience there. But no, I don’t think any of them — you know, the presidency shouldn’t be a training job. You get in there, you’ve got to hit the ground running,” Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg was the mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013, where his signature policies included rezoning real estate for development, health initiatives such as banning smoking in bars and restaurant, and the stop-and-frisk policing strategy.

Further into the interview, Bloomberg contradicted himself. Ruhle asked Bloomberg who he’d rather vote for, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., or Donald Trump. Despite Trump’s four years of experience in the White House, Bloomberg said he would rather see the allegedly unfit Warren in office instead.

“In the last few weeks we’ve heard from very successful business people, similar to you, who have been very critical of the president, suddenly say, I would never vote for President Trump, but I’d vote for President Trump before I’d vote for Elizabeth Warren,” Ruhle said. “Help me understand.”

“I can only tell you, if I were faced with Elizabeth Warren or Donald Trump, I would vote for Elizabeth Warren. Even though I don’t agree with her on a lot of things. She is honest and smart and hardworking,” Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg is current polling at five percent, far behind the candidates he is attacking.

Thus far, the Biden campaign has not made a public comment on Bloomberg’s remarks. However, Biden was the vice president of the United States and a senator. It would appear that those experiences do make him qualified for the office of the President.