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Warren Says Combating Climate Change Is ‘A Bigger Challenge Than WWII’

Image CreditSen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass speaks to demonstrators as they protest against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, outside of the U.S. Capitol, on Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Elizabeth Warren dished out a climate change agenda that is as improbable as it is expensive, then turned around and insulted WWII vets.


At a campaign event in Detroit, Michigan, on Tuesday, 2020 Democrat presidential candidate and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren said that climate change is an even bigger challenge than World War II.

“America has faced huge challenges before, WWII and putting a man on the moon,” Warren said. “This environmental catastrophe bearing down on us may be the biggest challenge yet.”

Warren’s disconcerting comparison to WWII must mean her plans to prevent climate change are drastic indeed. To handle this global threat, Warren weirdly implies we must have to mobilize a greater American industrial base than was in place during WWII, as well as more scientific innovation and resources than required to put a man on the moon.

This is Warren’s pitch for her Green Manufacturing Plan, which is part of her commitment to the Green New Deal that Democrats across the board have pledged to support. According to her website, Warren is looking at a 10-year plan to invest $2 trillion into an expected $23 trillion market for clean energy technology. This investment will help us “achieve the ambitious targets of the Green New Deal,” Warren wrote on her website.

The Green New Deal—that’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s call to eliminate farting cows. Fellow presidential hopeful Joe Biden and Warren have signed on to this deal by aligning their climate change plans with its goal: zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.

The first element of Warren’s plan requires $400 billion to create a National Institutes of Clean Energy, modeled after the National Institutes of Health. This funding will enable expansion for research and development programs that convert innovation into production, her website says, all of which will boost the economy. At the same time, Warren’s plan calls for a drastic increase in corporate taxes to reach the goal of zero emissions.

The second element—the Green Industrial Mobilization—models the innovations in WWII that created an economic surge for decades. This element includes government-regulated requirements for manufactured goods and materials to be energy-efficient and environment-safe, plus a $15 per hour minimum wage for employees and 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave.

The third element of Warren’s plan is the Green Marshall Plan, modeled after the Marshall Plan issued in 1948 by Secretary of State George C. Marshall, aimed at rebuilding post-WWII Europe. Warren’s attempt to compare her impossible save-the-world mission to Marshall’s efforts to rebuild lives and homes after utter desolation and horror is embarrassing.

An effort to eliminate global warming in just a decade with mind-boggling expenses in the U.S. is inconceivable. If America must take such extreme and expensive measures, how can we expect countries like China and Saudi Arabia to eliminate their contributions to global warming?

Warren is wrong to compare this challenge to World War II. This insanely expensive agenda that Democrats are pushing is based on improbable climate change scenarios, not a unifying, nationwide effort to fight for Western freedom and values in the face of the totalitarian state of Nazi Germany.