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Fox News’s Janice Dean Has A Powerful Message For A Jerk Who Insulted Her Legs

janice dean
Image Creditscreengrab/fox news

Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean clapped back at a jerk who complained about her legs, writing that she’s ‘blessed’ to still be able to walk. 


Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean clapped back at a jerk who complained about her legs, writing that she’s “blessed” to still be able to walk. Dean, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease that eats away at one’s central nervous system and can affect one’s ability to walk and talk, wrote back that she is glad she can still use her legs to stand and walk

Dean followed up the tweet with a column explaining that her legs are a “blessing.”

“My big legs have always been a sore spot for me – but now more than ever I am proud of them,” she writes. “Because with MS, I could lose my ability to walk literally any day. So I’ve learned to be proud of my legs, and am grateful for them every day of my life.”

Dean wrote that the response to her post has been overwhelmingly positive, and that her first MS nurse left a kind note that brought her to tears.

“Dear Janice, I LOVE those strong legs,” her nurse wrote. “I LOVE that you stand tall, walk, run, squat, lunge, skip, jump and hop on those legs. You are blessed and a blessing to have STRONG legs!!! Wear skirts proudly and show your STRONG legs!!! Love you my angel.”