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MTV VMAs Were A #Resistance Rally, Not An Awards Show

Image Creditscreengrab/MTV

When everything is virtue signaling, nothing is. 


MTV really, really does not like Donald Trump. The network that used to be dedicated to all things music but now just airs various reality shows used its annual Music Video Awards show Sunday night to make sure that you knew how much they hate the current president.

Katy Perry, who was emceeing the awards show, started the night with a joke about how the earth was on fire and that to be fashionable in 2017 one should wear a pilgrim-esque getup straight outta “The Handmaid’s Tale,” a Hulu show based on a dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood. In the series, fertile women are forced into sex slavery and made to bear children. The costumes these women wear in the show have been used to virtue signal many, many lefty things.

A man who was identified as a descendent of Robert E. Lee — the Confederate general whose visage has been under attack by leftists who want to remove statues honoring him from public parks — came onstage to introduce Heather Hayer’s mother. Heather was killed earlier this month while she was protesting against a group comprised largely of white nationalists who marched in opposition to the imminent removal of a statue honoring Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“We can find inspiration in the Black Lives Matter movement, the women who marched in the Women’s March in January, and especially Heather Heyer, who died fighting for her beliefs in Charlottesville,” Lee said before introducing Susan Bro, Heather’s mother. 

In Vogue’s writeup of the evening, entitled “How the 2017 VMA’s Took On Donald Trump,” the fashion magazine pointed out that MTV banned sex-specific awards categories several months ago to not offend anyone. #SoBrave

Speaking of de-sexing things, Pink, who received the Vanguard Award, shared a story about her daughter complaining that she wasn’t pretty enough because she looked like a boy. The singer showed her a PowerPoint presentation with photos of androgynous singers including male artists David Bowie, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Prince, and Michael Jackson.

Paris Jackson, daughter of the legendary, late pop singer, encouraged the audience to stand together in opposition to white supremacists and hatred.

“We must resist!” she said before announcing the winner for Best Pop Video.

Okay, we get it. Y’all don’t like Donald Trump.

It’s no surprise that many of the same celebrities who shilled for Hillary Clinton all last year are upset that she lost. But it would be a mistake to reduce Sunday night’s display to a mere temper tantrum. Music elites took the stage to double down on leftist causes — gender fluidity and so on — they have been pushing for years.

Denouncing white supremacists from a televised stage in Los Angeles is not brave, as an overwhelming majority of Americans share a righteous disgust for such groups. Pretending otherwise, while pushing a leftist agenda and taking every opportunity to jab at the president half of the country voted for, is how you get four more years of Trump.