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Bethany Mandel: Trump Can’t Talk About Women Without Objectifying Them

‘It seems like he has no sort of vocabulary for women that does not revolve around their sexuality and their objectification as women.’


Federalist senior contributor, Bethany Mandel, joined Fox News’s “The Kelly File” on Wednesday night to discuss Donald Trump’s comments about women.

“It gets personal, and it gets sexual, and it gets nasty with women,” she said. “I’ve never seen a comparable term with a male journalist — calling them the male equivalent of a bimbo or discussed something equivalent to their menstrual cycle.”

In March, Mandel signed an open letter, along with 15 other female conservative writers and pundits, calling for Trump to fire his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski after Lewandowski grabbed then-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields.

Trump’s comments about women “are very specific, sexually disturbing targets that are very unique to the female condition and being a woman,” Mandel said. “He thinks that [to be a woman] is a weakness, and he hits it.”

“The most disturbing comments have really been about sexuality,” she said. “What he said to a ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ contestant — ‘You would look better on your knees.’  — when I heard that, my skin actually crawled a little bit off of me.”

“Even when he’s trying to be complimentary, he still sounds skeezy,” she said referring to Trump’s comments about how he would date his daughter, Ivanka. “It seems like he has no sort of vocabulary for women that does not revolve around their sexuality and their objectification as women.”