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J.D. Vance: Gay People ‘Just Wanted To Be Left The Hell Alone’


Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance predicted the GOP ticket could win the “normal gay guy vote” because “they just wanted to be left the hell alone.”

Vance spoke about a movement that merely used to be about gay acceptance but has now morphed into a campaign for child access to transgender treatments. In July, the Republican Party amended the official platform to drop an explicit endorsement of traditional marriage.

“Now you have all this crazy stuff on top of it that they’re like, ‘No, no, no, we didn’t, we didn’t want to give pharmaceutical products to 9-year-olds who are transitioning their genders. We just wanted to be left the hell alone,'” Vance said.

“A lot of gay guys feel like the whole movement is homophobic, which is ironic,” Rogan said. “Because they think that there’s, people think there’s something wrong with being gay, so what you really are is a girl. And they think that a lot of this is being given, these thoughts are being given to gay kids. These kids will just grow up to be gay men.”

“It’s pharmaceutical conversion therapy, right?” Vance said.

“And it’s profitable,” Rogan added.

Vance and Rogan discussed how Americans have become too quick to “affirm” childhood gender dysphoria under the leftist banner of radical acceptance. According to a new report from the American Principles Project this summer, the transgender surgery industry is forecast to exceed $7 billion by the end of the decade.

“I have a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old,” Vance said. “Every single day, my 4-year-old or 2-year-old will come to me and say something that is bats–t insane, because they’re 4 and 2.”

“Like my 4-year-old will come and say, ‘Daddy, I’m a dinosaur!” Vance said. “I’m going to take him to like the dinosaur transition clinic and put scales on him?”

“They want their kid to be a part of the LGBTQ thing,” Rogan said, “because it looks like a flag of virtue that they can post in their front lawn, ‘Oh look, we have a queer child!'”

“There has to be some reason why this enormous percentage of Hollywood kids are trans,” Rogan added.

“It becomes a social signifier for a lot of parents,” Vance said, adding that adolescent transgenderism is “most common among upper-middle class to lower-middle class white progressives.”

“Now you could believe, okay, that there’s just like something genetic going on in the mind of a wealthy white progressive, or you could believe that this is a cultural trend that we should be questioning a lot more than we are right now.”

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