In the days leading up to the presidential election, the Kamala Harris campaign is making a last-ditch effort to go after a very specific type of voter: conservative women. As the polls tighten, the Harris campaign has brought anti-Trump Republican Liz Cheney into the fold, while simultaneously sending a message to conservative women that their “vote is secret.”
“Friendly reminder that you do not have to tell your husband or boyfriend who you voted for. He will not and cannot find out who you voted for, unless you tell him,” tweeted Democrat activist and “Vote Without Fear” founder Olivia Dreizen Howell.
One ad released this week featuring a voiceover from actress Julia Roberts shows a conservative couple arriving at a polling location (they are portrayed as conservative presumably because they are both wearing patriotic hats) and the woman entering a booth and voting for Harris, unbeknownst to her husband.
“What happens in the booth, stays in the booth,” Roberts says as the American flag hat-wearing woman makes eye contact with another woman voter.
The assumption that conservative women must hide their opinions from their husbands would be hysterical if it weren’t so indicative of the left’s delusional and twisted view of relationships, namely marriage.
First of all, men and women in healthy marriages do not keep secrets from each other. In fact, if you are having to keep your vote a secret from your spouse this election season, it’s safe to assume that’s the least of your relationship problems. It doesn’t mean men and women can’t or don’t hold different beliefs or opinions, but that when they do, one doesn’t feel the need to hide those opinions for fear of any kind of admonishment or retribution. To insinuate otherwise is unbelievably demeaning to women and not a great way to court women voters.
Second, the notion that it’s the women in relationships who are reluctant to share their opinions or feel the need to hide their political philosophies from their husbands is just laughable. Based on my personal experience, among both conservative and liberal couples, it’s the women who are more outspoken, often berating their more demure better half with their opinions.
The irony is that for all the talk of women’s empowerment and the “future is female,” at the end of the day, leftist women are the only ones who still see men as oppressors. Democrats’ bizarre obsession with dressing like handmaidens and “fighting the patriarchy” seems like it’s based on nothing more than their own personal relationships with men, completely detached from reality. Meanwhile, conservative women are living shame-free, enjoying their happy marriages, whether their husbands vote the same way or not.
If the left truly believes this is how marriages operate, it’s no wonder that increasing numbers of leftist women would rather become childless cat ladies, shirking the institution of marriage at all costs.