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America’s Institutional Racism Is Anti-White

Jeremy Carl’s new book unmasks the pervasiveness of anti-white racism across all levels of American society.


Beloved Minnesota martyr George Floyd, patron saint of counterfeit dollars and authentic fentanyl, peace be upon him, unleashed two things on the country: a tsunami of vicious anti-white racism and, at long last, the first tentative waves of white people courageously calling it out. Before 2020, polite white people would never dream of noticing in public that there seemed to be some, er, blatant bias against them in the media, academia, and other institutions. 

Until this year, no white parent would ever dream of complaining when their straight-A son with a 1500 SAT got rejected from their Ivy alma mater, but an 1150 SAT black classmate got in (and got a full ride). Now, even liberal parents are starting to notice that not only is color-blind meritocracy out, but overt racism is back in.

Some people on the right are bravely speaking out about this destructive trend. When I heard Jeremy Carl was writing a book about it, I was impressed. He was daring to tread where few have! And instead of being canceled for a book way ahead of its time, it turns out his timing was perfect. The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart arrived this year just as more people were finding their voice on this important, even bedrock constitutional issue, and finding their courage. Kudos to Carl for taking this bold step forward. 

Best of all, Carl has brought receipts. Lots of them. Read his book and watch American meritocracy at the highest levels — and the lowest levels — get overthrown, slowly and then all at once in the name of progress, for a wretched new ideology straight out of the movie “Idiocracy.”

We call it “anti-white racism” these days, but we used to call it “reverse racism” when an oppressed minority group discriminated against their hated and imagined superiors: white people. The funny thing about being part of the most hated “oppressor majority” group in the world is when you dare to check the numbers. For example, did you know that European-descent Caucasians, i.e., the group most people think of when they talk about “white people,” represent somewhere in the range of 7-12 percent of the Earth’s population? It’s the smallest of the major racial groups. (It’s difficult to find a more precise number, I think because this number demolishes every single anti-white narrative.) 

Good news for anti-white racists: The numbers are shrinking fast as whites cease reproducing themselves. White people are not just an unprotected class — they’re literally going extinct.

I remember being informed over and over again that actually there was no such thing as “reverse racism,” since it was not possible to be racist against white people. I assume because they deserved it. Only favored classes were allowed to use the race card. Racism and discrimination against whites was both nonexistent and also good. 

But if you are a person experiencing European-Caucasian heritage and you have tried to apply for a job, or to college, in the last few years, you may have learned the hard way that “reverse racism” is not only real but spectacularly pervasive. 

If you are a disfavored white male in Hollywood or applying to law school, medical school, or business school, you already know that your chances are greatly diminished, even nil, no matter how good you look on paper. It’s how you look in person that matters now. Perhaps nowhere is this more visible than in President Biden’s selection of federal judges. Here’s Carl’s receipts:

…of the ninety-seven federal judges Biden approved during the first two years of his term, just five were white men (a group that, in addition to scoring highly, makes up 50 percent of total attorneys), while twenty-two were black women.  So roughly 23 percent of Biden’s judges were coming from a group that (generously) might have had 0.5 percent of the highly qualified candidates for the position.

Seems totally fair! 

We have witnessed the installation of race commissars who fanatically aim to reduce white employees and increase DEI hires in high-stakes jobs like airline pilot and doctor. Even when people’s lives are at stake, when the only thing they care about is landing safely or surviving brain surgery, the commissars only care that the right color is in the cockpit or the OR.

The UCLA medical school scandal this year exposed the runaway DEI rules that prevent qualified white and Asian applicants from admission so that, frankly, unqualified black and Hispanic applicants can become doctors.

Their argument is phenomenally stupid: Black people have higher rates of illness or serious medical conditions, and the thing that will fix this somehow is more black doctors, even if they’re woefully incompetent. Good luck with this brilliant plan to help black people!

James O’Keefe’s recent gotcha interview with a Disney VP confirms what Carl proves in his book: Whites are no longer wanted in corporate America. The Disney VP got caught with his pants down admitting that their HR specifically discriminates against whites. This is of course a crime, and no one is above the law, we are told. But in this case, everyone is always above the law.

Carl notes:

A survey of one thousand hiring managers revealed that one in six was requested not to hire white men (to be clear, this is illegal), with another 14 percent discouraged from hiring white women. Most hiring managers in a recent survey believe their companies discriminate against whites in hiring and that a failure to bring in sufficiently “diverse” hires will put their jobs in danger. A quarter of hiring managers surveyed strongly believe their company practices reverse discrimination.

Carl’s book throws ice-cold water on the racists who keep insisting that we believe them and not our lying eyes when we are the victims of anti-white racism. It’s like taking the ice bucket challenge, but for racists!

My teenage son, as some of my readers know, recently survived the college application process in California. I was informed by a reliable source that he had “no shot” at USC despite his excellent scores and resume because “the head of admissions is a racist black woman.”

Sure enough, he was rejected. 

He was also shut out of the top schools in the University of California system — Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego. He did get into Merced, only because this is the school for kids who don’t get into the other ones. And he wasn’t alone. Normally many kids at his school get into a lot of the UCs. This year, just one white classmate, an absolutely incredible student and athlete, got waitlisted at a UC and eventually admitted.

Here again, Carl has the receipts:

About a quarter of California high school seniors are white, but just 19 percent of students admitted to the University of California system are white (even though whites on average have substantially better academic qualifications than Hispanics, the largest group in the UC system). Yet this will never be seen as a problem, nor have there been significant efforts to recruit whites to schools in which they are badly underrepresented.

Fortunately, my son won’t have much time for college when he’s drafted to go die in a hole, literally, in Dagestan. I hear the coming U.S. Army draft will NOT be using racial quotas to fill their cannon fodder quotient. Yes, all our teenagers will die horrible deaths screaming in agony, but at least race-blind admissions will be back.

Carl offers some smart prescriptions to pull ourselves out of this tailspin of our own making. He lists a few, including this one that was new to me:

“Whiteshift” America’s ethnicity: The term whiteshifting comes from political scientist and race and ethnicity scholar Eric Kaufmann (himself multiracial: white, Hispanic, and Asian) who posits in his 2019 book Whiteshift that many minorities, particularly multiracial minorities in a future multiethnic America, will come to embrace a white identity. This sort of ‘multiracial whiteness’ could be a very positive development for American solidarity over the long run. It would create a new American ethnicity that would incorporate people from a variety of different ethnic and racial backgrounds who identify themselves with the culture, legacy, and interests of America’s historic majority.

“Whiteshifting” is happening swiftly among one particular American demographic, much to their dismay: Jews. Jews have historically embraced their status as “victim” due to real and actual genocide and discrimination. But this year on America’s elite college campuses, elite Jewish kids who have never known a moment of oppression in their lives were suddenly treated by their fellow students as a hated oppressor: colonizers! I think of the James Franco “First time?” meme when I hear the outraged laments of my rich Jewish friends in L.A. and New York who are shocked and appalled to be on the receiving end of slurs normally reserved for white gentiles. I wrote this about the “whiteshift” happening among coastal elite Jews.

The Unprotected Class is wry, fun to read, smart, and absolutely essential. It should be required reading in high school sociology classes and in every college in America because there is a war on in this country, and the only way to win it is for people to realize it’s happening and start speaking up.

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