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National Media Hides Accusations About Leftist WI Supreme Court Candidate Using Racial Slurs And Abusing Husband

If Protasiewicz wins on Tuesday, she will cause lasting damage to one of the most electorally significant states in the union. 


On Tuesday, Wisconsin voters are tasked with deciding the future of their state in an extremely consequential and wildly expensive state supreme court race. However, vital information about the Democrat-backed, radically anti-life candidate, Judge Janet Protasiewicz, has been hidden from voters. On-the-record reports are alleging that Protasiewicz used the “N-word” to refer to black people and physically abused her elderly ex-husband, but the national corporate media has refused to report on it.

Protasiewicz is facing off against Republican-backed Judge Dan Kelly, and the winner of the race this Tuesday will decide Wisconsin’s fate on a number of major issues, including election integrity, abortion, redistricting, crime, and school choice.  

[Read: Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Race Is The Left’s Opening To Reverse Years Of Conservative Victories]

According to reports from “Wisconsin Right Now,” two people, Protasiewicz’s former stepson Michael Madden and Jonathan Ehr, who has been identified as “a long-time self-described liberal family friend of her ex-husband,” stated in recorded interviews “that they heard Protasiewicz use racial slurs when she was a prosecutor in Children’s Court.”

Protasiewicz, who worked in children’s court for 16 years, reportedly used the “N-word” to describe black defendants and the parents of black children she encountered in her job. According to Madden, she also called them “lowlifes.” 

Protasiewicz has not denied the allegations, even after Wisconsin Right Now contacted her directly, attempting to verify them.  

Protasiewicz was married to Michael Madden’s father, Patrick J. Madden, a now-deceased Navy veteran and former Milwaukee County Judge, for less than a year in 1997. At the time of their marriage, Protasiewicz was 34 and Patrick was 70.

During their short-lived marriage, Michael and Ehr revealed to Wisconsin Right Now that they saw Protasiewicz “physically abuse her elderly husband after drinking” and “saw injuries on his face.” Wisconsin Right Now reportedly has four additional sources who heard about the abuse from either Michael or Patrick himself, but three of the sources did not want their identities revealed.

The national presswhich has been reporting extensively on the heated race over the last few months, is conveniently ignoring the serious allegations that call into question the values, integrity, and judgment of Protasiewicz.

More than $27 million has been spent on ads for the general election. Protasiewicz and left-wing groups backing her have spent over $15 million. Kelly and those supporting him have spent $12 million.

Protasiewicz is no originalist and has stated that her personal “values” will influence her decisions on the court. Democrats have already identified her as somebody who will legislate from the bench. “[Democrats] are done pretending that judges are merely legal umpires,” the New York Times wrote in an article about Protasiewicz and the ongoing race.

Additionally, Protasiewicz has a notably soft-on-crime track record from when she was the circuit court judge in Milwaukee County. In 2018, she sentenced a man who raped his unconscious cousin to only 14 months in prison. At his sentencing, she told the rapist she was giving him “the least amount of time I think is appropriate.”

[Read: Why Are Conservatives Talking About 2024 Instead Of The Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Next Week?]

She also gave a minimal sentence to a man who brutally raped a female military veteran in a bar alleyway. Fox News reported that after the attack, the female victim “suffered from physical injuries, nightmares and crippling anxiety from the attack, which resulted in months of therapy and a mental health-related hospitalization.” However, Protasiewicz only gave the man 2.5 years in prison, with credit for 52 days already served, followed by 2.5 years of probation. 

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