Just one week before the Fourth of July, an alarming number of Americans announced they will not celebrate Independence Day due to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision.
“I won’t be celebrating the 4th of July this year. American women just lost our citizenship rights. Nothing to be proud of or celebrate at the moment,” failed Democrat candidate Pam Keith tweeted.

“After what the Trump court did Friday what ‘independence’ are we celebrating on July 4? I don’t see how this country can celebrate ‘independence’ when you just f-cked over every woman in America,” crime author Don Winslow tweeted.

“Joining women in solidarity wearing black and Not Celebrating the 4 th of July ,because it certainly is not a day of independence for us. It never was,” actress Rosanna Arquette declared.

One woman even wrote a letter to the editor of “Texas’ oldest newspaper” explaining her decision.
“I will not be celebrating July 4 this year or likely any year hereafter; at least a[s] long as my government considers me, born female, to be a second-class citizen to whom the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not afforded,” she wrote.
Like so many others, these Americans believe they should no longer support or be proud of their country simply because of a perfectly legitimate judicial decision by the one branch of government that doesn’t easily cower to intimidation campaigns.
It’s a sad reality but, unfortunately, not a surprising one. Patriotism in the U.S. reached record lows in 2020, a year when corrupt corporate media outlets such as PBS amplified complaints that the holiday is racist and obsolete to black Americans.
Even last year, Democrats such as former Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill tainted Independence Day with antics such as viewing a propaganda film about the Jan. 6 election integrity protests and Capitol riot.
“We’re going to start a new family tradition in my family. On the Fourth of July and every Fourth of July going forward, we’re going to watch that video that The New York Times put together of January 6th,” McCaskill said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
This type of partisanship-over-patriotism tradeoff has been happening for years and is only exacerbated by Democrats who have increasingly distanced themselves from their Republican friends, family, and neighbors.
It’s more common nowadays for streets in cities like Washington D.C. and Austin, Texas to be lined with pride and Ukraine flags than showcase the stars and stripes. That’s why Twitter users thought the New Yorker’s recent cover depicting two politically opposed neighbors flying American flags needed fixing to be more representative of the current political climate.

More drastically, it’s also why Democrats are perfectly comfortable disowning branches of government like the highest court in the land, not to mention our nation’s governing document.
There are countless reasons to celebrate the United States but most of those reasons no longer align with the leftist ideology driving the Democrat agenda. Dobbs is another great reason to celebrate the God-given right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” for all Americans (including babies) this Fourth of July but leftists are freaking out because they only tolerate the U.S. when its institutions benefit them.