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Hungry Babies Who Can’t Get Formula Are The Latest Victims Of Biden’s Economic Crisis


Supply chain issues, a result of lockdowns and other extreme Covid measures, have been plaguing Americans throughout the pandemic and had affected a majority of people by the end of 2021. The problem has been worsened by a labor shortage at least partly fueled by states and the federal government paying people not to work and punishing workers who chose other means to fight Covid than experimental vaccines that boost big pharma.

So, since the start of 2022, shoppers have been treated to a growing number of totally empty shelves. Now, the crisis has made its way to baby formula.

In a CBS interview with one San Francisco couple, one mother said, “We noticed [formula] being difficult to find maybe a couple months ago, two, three months ago, and then just recently, we can’t find it. We have tried all the local Targets and we checked Costco, Costco online, Walgreens, we can’t find it anywhere.”

As this is a growing problem, parents need solutions. Whatever the reason for offering formula — we had to feed our middle daughter formula because she was lactose intolerant as a baby and would recreate the vomiting scene from “The Exorcist” whenever she breastfed — parents cannot just swap out formula for a turkey sandwich. So many are looking for solutions.

On Twitter, PoliMath offered a short thread on what parents can do. In it, he lists several options, including evaporated milk and a recipe that uses powdered goat’s milk, as well as a link to a fact sheet detailing what goes into formula. Here’s another nutrient-rich recipe recommended by a friend. This is where we are as a nation, in 2022, thanks to elite mishandling of basically everything since Covid escaped the lab in 2019.

In 2020, despite the virus and the mishandling of it, there were supply chain issues, but people could still mostly find the staples they needed. They could also better afford to pay for them. These days, that’s not a given.

Now, with inflation running rampant and shelves running bare, parents are being forced to find alternatives to feed their babies. Given that formula wasn’t cheap to begin with, that adds even more strain to the stress of having a newborn.

Add that to the ever-growing list of his failures and it’s easy to see why even Chuck Todd had to admit that Biden is “no longer seen as competent and effective, no longer seen as a good commander-in-chief, or perhaps most damaging, as easy-going and likable.”

“In fact,” he continued, “just 5 percent of adults say Mr. Biden has performed better than expected as president, one of the many lowest firsts and fewest in our poll.” Those numbers came from polling NBC did after Biden’s two-hour speech last week in which he explained just how great a job he’s doing.

President Biden may be asking America, “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” but with the pandemic of incompetent elites hitting everyone, now including babies, he isn’t going to like the answer. I guess our only hope at this point is for the supply chain issues to cause disruptions to the ice cream market so he’ll finally start paying attention.