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Netflix’s ‘The Baby-Sitters Club’ Writer: We’re Making Tween Trans Propaganda On Purpose


When the left decides the American public needs to be properly educated on any given subject, there is nowhere to hide from their propaganda. This has been especially noticeable in their efforts to make regular people feel bad about unknowingly “traumatizing” transgender people. Netflix allowed one of its writers, Rose Dommu, a transgender woman, to post a thread under its official Twitter account helpfully illustrating this fact.

The thread focuses on the education of Mary Anne in the Netflix reboot of “The Baby-Sitters Club.” Mary Anne is a preteen girl who finds herself babysitting a transgender child, Bailey. In the episode, Bailey is played by a trans child actor names Kai Shappley, who is nine years old.

Mary Anne is introduced to Bailey as a happy, excitable little girl dressed entirely in pink in a very pink and very girly room. Dommu summarizes the scene saying, “Ready for an outfit change, Bailey explains that the closet is full of her ‘old clothes,’ while her new clothes are much more sparkly — taste! Mary Anne understands immediately that Bailey knows who she is and has supportive parents who trust their daughter and want her to be happy.” Mary Anne realizes that Bailey is a little girl and her clothes “helped people see that.”

Later in the episode, when Bailey comes down with a fever and has to be taken to the Emergency Room, a nurse upsets Bailey by inadvertently handing him a blue hospital gown, to which Bailey weakly pleads to Mary Anne, “I don’t want the blue.” Mary Anne, the female nurse, and the male doctor are all wearing blue outfits, and hospitals generally hand out generic disposable clothing items. The idea that the hospital staff is supposed to have a pile of pink options just in case the patient wants another color is offensive on its face — as is the notion that to “help people see” Bailey is a real girl, he must be covered in pink, fluffy, sequined clothing.

But the real purpose of the educational episode is the nurse and the doctor referring to Bailey using male pronouns, something Dommu describes as “traumatic.” Mary Anne notices Bailey’s distress and asserts herself taking the medical staff outside the room to educate them on the proper way to interact with Bailey.

She argues if they looked at Bailey (and not his chart) they would see “Bailey is not a boy.” In essence, she’s demanding medical professionals ignore biological factors when dealing with patients, in favor of their preferred identity. By treating Bailey like a boy, Mary Ann insists, she is ignoring who she is and making her feel “insignificant and humiliated.” Despite the reality that men and women have different medical concerns and needs, she ends with an exhausted request for them to find Bailey a non-blue hospital gown and to use female pronouns from now on, at which the devastated doctors apologize and rush off.

Rather than being a source of empowerment for trans kids, this story shows us a child terrified to escape the comfort of his room despite it being perfectly decorated to affirm him. When Bailey is visibly upset at the idea of wearing something blue, this is not a child being herself, it is a child terrified to be reminded of who he is. It’s also the core problem with the set-up as it’s presented to us: The child is living a fantasy and the slightest reminder that it’s not real traumatizes them.

More than anything, this effort to educate the public on trans kids is validating what critics of the gender-affirmative model have been arguing, namely, that imposing gender ideology onto children is harmful to their development and sense of who they are. If being reminded of being male by being referred to with male pronouns is this upsetting, how can adults reasonably argue Bailey is in full control of his emotional experience enough to “listen and trust” his decisions, as Dommu asserts? Real life is not a fantasy bubble where everyone must play a part to maintain everyone else’s sense of safety and personal validation.

Earlier in the episode, Mary Anne is educated about “trans identity” by her worldly friend Dawn (who is from California) through the analogy of being right- or left-handed. Dawn asserts it would be super weird if someone tried to make you change which hand you use, because you’ve known which hand you are since you were little. Dommu declares, “This simple breakdown gives the show’s young viewers a powerful tool to shape their worldview. Maybe the children really are our future.”

Dommu’s excitement over the right- or left-handed analogy as a “powerful tool” to “shape” the worldview of children watching the show denies the reality of what being transgender means. It is not like being gay, which more closely aligns with this analogy. Being transgender means changing everything natural about yourself to obtain an unnatural and superficial reflection of what you wish you could be.

While this choice in adulthood can be understood as such, a child has absolutely no concept of what his or her body could or will become as the child ages. A trans child is a person who will never be given the chance to love and accept himself as he is and will forever be fighting to force his body to be something it is not.

Being a girl is more than just wearing pink and twirling around calling yourself a princess. Bailey, the character, and Kai the real-life child will be forced to confront the realities of their body in painful ways and will spend the rest of their lives fighting the battle against nature in favor of their preferred view of themselves.

Despite ideological efforts, medical staff will always be required to deal with the objective realities of people’s bodies, regardless of how they wish to be perceived. They cannot expect someone else to defend them for the rest of their lives and bully others into pretending along with them.

It’s reasonable to ask society to be respectful of a transgender person’s identity. It’s completely unreasonable, however, to coerce medical professionals into pretending biological sex does not exist and impact patient health. If we train trans kids to cower at the sight of gender-stereotyped clothing or have an emotional breakdown over the use of a certain pronoun, then these kids are being set up for failure, pain, and trauma.