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Senator Amy Klobuchar Refuses To Condemn Late-Term Abortion On ‘The View’

“I don’t think it should be that hard to say ‘I’m not for late-term abortion,'” said co-host Meghan McCain.


When Senator Amy Klobuchar made a stop on “The View” Friday as part of her campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination, she joined the ranks of many other extreme pro-abortion Democratic leaders who are in favor of late-term abortion.

When co-host Meghan McCain asked Klobuchar if she was in support of late-term abortion and Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s comments on infanticide, the senator dodged the question, only commenting that she is for women having the right to make a choice for their own bodies.

Co-host Joy Behar helped run interference for Klobuchar, shouting down McCain for bringing up a topic that is “based on a lie” and “not true.”

“I don’t think it should be that hard to say ‘I’m not for late-term abortion,” McCain said.

While the recent abortion conversation currently dominating the media focuses on “fetal heartbeat” bills and the new bill in Alabama banning almost all abortions, earlier this year, New York state legalized abortion-on-demand up until the point of birth. Governor Ralph Northam endorsed a similar bill in Virginia (the bill was defeated), as well as the idea that a fully developed child could be killed after birth. And yet, these extreme bills received a fraction of the media and celebrity attention now directed at states like Alabama and Georgia.

Three out of four Americans support abortion restrictions and believe abortions should not be legal after the first trimester, according to a recent Marist Poll. The first trimester ends after 12 weeks of gestation.

If Klobuchar has any desire to win over moderates or conservatives as she campaigns for president, refusing to condemn abortion in the second or third trimester sure isn’t a winning strategy.