At a press conference in the White House’s East Room today, CNN’s Jim Acosta physically prevented a female White House staffer from taking away the microphone after President Trump told him to stop talking.
“Honestly I think that you should let me run the country, you run CNN, and if you did it well, your ratings will be much better,” Trump said.
“If I may ask one other question,” Acosta said.
“That is enough,” Trump said before calling on another reporter.
At this point, a female White House staffer is seen getting up to collect the microphone from Acosta in order to give it to another reporter. In response, Acosta continued to plead with Trump to ask another question and attempted to take the microphone out of her reach. When she was able to grab ahold of the microphone, Acosta locked his arms and pulled away.
“Pardon me, ma’am,” he said, while twisting his body away from her grasp.
“That is enough,” Trump repeated.
At this point the White House staffer sat down.
“If I can ask on the Russian investigation,” Acosta urged. “Are you concerned that you may have –”
“I am not concerned about anything with the Russian investigation, because it is a hoax,” Trump said firmly. “That is enough. Put down the mic.”
“Mr. President, are you concerned about indictments coming down in this investigation?” Acosta continued.
An exasperated and angry Trump walked away from the microphone before rebuking Acosta.
“I tell you what, CNN should be ashamed of themselves having you working for them,” he said. “You are rude, terrible person. You should not be working for CNN.”