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Democrat Candidates Take Donations From Group Linked To Forcible Sterilization Campaigns


Mum’s the word from Democrat candidates who have received midterm campaign cash from an organization that used to run human sterilization clinics and has advocated that every family with more than two children be “taxed to the hilt” for “irresponsible breeding.”

Campaign and congressional spokespersons for Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Montana Sen. Jon Tester, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, and Senate candidates Scott Wallace of Pennsylvania and Rep. Jacky Rosen of Nevada either refused to answer or did not return inquiries about whether they support the wildly anti-human ideas of Population Connection Action Fund PAC. The PAC has given all these Democrats campaign donations this cycle, and 16 others for a total of $60,500 this cycle, according to federal records.

Population Connection is the new name of a population control organization started in the 1970s with help from “Population Bomb” author Paul Ehrlich, whose now debunked theories of overwhelming human fertility destroying the planet helped fuel sterilization campaigns across the globe. In January, Charles Mann explained in Smithsonian Magazine how Ehrlich’s book lead to atrocious “family planning” policies, typically inflicted on the world’s poorest people.

“Millions of people were sterilized, often coercively, sometimes illegally, frequently in unsafe conditions, in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Indonesia and Bangladesh,” he wrote. “In the 1970s and ’80s, India, led by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay, embraced policies that in many states required sterilization for men and women to obtain water, electricity, ration cards, medical care and pay raises.”

Population Connection’s current website openly celebrates Ehrlich and his totalitarian ideas, compares children to “pollution,” facilitates both temporary and permanent sterilization, and promotes abortion. It also campaigns for “childless families” (an oxymoron), forcing taxpayers to fund “family planning” domestically and abroad, and forcing companies to sponsor birth control through health insurance. It also tries to make life with children frustrating through influencing “city growth” plans.

“The group, shortly after being founded in 1968, released a brochure advocating abortion to stabilize population growth and claimed that ‘no responsible family should have more than two children,” reported’s Lukas Mikelionis. That brochure also says the organization advocates that “All methods of birth control, including legalized abortion, should be freely available—and at no cost in poverty cases” and “Irresponsible people who have more than two children should be taxed to the hilt for the privilege of irresponsible breeding.”

When it was named Zero Population Growth, Population Connection received $420,000 between 1997 and 2003 from Wallace Global Fund, a non-profit organization formerly run by current House candidate Scott Wallace. This election cycle, Population Connection’s PAC gave Wallace’s Pennsylvania campaign $5,000 and publicly endorsed him, noting his “demonstrated commitment to international reproductive health.”

Wallace’s parents “devoted many decades of their lives to Population Action International, Planned Parenthood, and our family foundation, the Wallace Global Fund,” Wallace said in the Population Connection statement announcing its endorsement of his campaign. Wallace’s father, “the late Robert B. Wallace, was co-chairman of Population Action International, which advocates for increased access to birth control and other family planning methods,” says PolitiFact. His mother was also president of a local Planned Parenthood franchise, according to his campaign website.

While he led the family fund, Wallace Global gave $20,000 to another organization that advocates zero population growth plus zero economic growth as solutions for global warming. That organization’s executive board member endorsed the idea of requiring women to buy licenses to bear children, Mikelionis reported. Wallace’s campaign spokesman also didn’t respond to a Federalist request for comment.

In his hotly contested House race, Wallace has renounced his family fund’s past contributions to groups that support boycotting Israel. He and all the other Democrats who have received money from Population Connection’s PAC still, however, have yet to repudiate its anti-human ideology, let alone return its money.

If it were Republicans who had received money from an organization that compared certain groups of people to “pollution” and had appeared to inspire murder or another atrocity, they’d be subject to hounding from every media organization between discovery and the 30 seconds it took them to give the money back or donate it to charity. That is exactly what happened, in fact, when Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, and Rand Paul received similarly sized campaign donations from white supremacist Earl Holt III.

These leading Democrat campaigns’ silence is telling.