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Former Quarterback Jimmy Kemp On His Father, Football, And American Ideals


On the Federalist Radio Hour, Jimmy Kemp says what his father, Jack Kemp, learned on the football field, fueled his passion for equal opportunity.


Jimmy Kemp, is the president of the Jack Kemp Foundation, and was formerly a quarterback in the Canadian Football League for eight seasons. Kemp shares the legacy of his father, Jack Kemp, an American politician and professional football player.

Kemp and Domenech discuss quarterbacks, Collin Kaepernick, and the difference between this weekend’s protests of the national anthem, and the protests of former civil rights leaders.

“It’s the difference between saying, ‘America is a good place and we want it to fulfill these principles’ and ‘these principles themselves are rotten and written by slave owners,” Domenech said.

Listen to their full conversation here: