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One Of Hillary Clinton’s DNC Delegates Literally Tried To Murder Someone, But Media Are Silent

Image CreditPBS News/YouTube

A Democratic National Committee delegate pledged to Hillary Clinton tried to murder someone with a gun on Sunday, but the national political media don’t want to talk about that.


A Democratic National Committee delegate pledged to Hillary Clinton tried to murder her husband with a gun on Sunday, but the national media won’t talk about it.

Deanna Vicites, a 47-year-old Hillary Clinton delegate from Pennsylvania, was charged with attempted homicide after shooting her husband in the neck with a revolver over the weekend. The two admitted to authorities they had been drinking all day, and while Deanna initially told authorities it was a mistake, the district attorney said there was no way the shooting was an accident.

Democratic Party officials said the Clinton campaign would have to find a new delegate to replace her.

Killing someone isn’t the first time Hillary Clinton delegate Deanna Vicites committed a dangerous crime. In 2002, she pleaded guilty for conspiring to commit a burglary.

But the media won’t talk about the fact that a pledged delegate for Hillary Clinton literally shot someone earlier this week. Instead, they’re obsessing over a GOP delegate who hyperbolically suggested that Clinton “should be put in a firing line and shot for treason” for her role in the death of four Americans killed in Benghazi after she ignored multiple requests for increased security in Libya.

“Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam,” said Al Baldasaro, a Trump delegate who is also a New Hampshire state representative. “She is a disgrace for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi. She dropped the ball on over 400 emails requesting back up security. Something’s wrong there.”

Following the Benghazi attack, Clinton lied to the families of the victims about the true motivations of the terrorists —  telling them that a video spurred the attack — when her own e-mail correspondence with her daughter revealed that Clinton knew the cause to be a pre-planned attack by radical Islamic terrorists.

While serving as Secretary of State, Clinton also trafficked top secret information on an unsecured, private email server — putting the lives of U.S. human intelligence assets at risk. Her “extremely careless” behavior is arguably far worse than actions taken by others who have actually been jailed for treason.

But the media conversation isn’t focused on Clinton or her delegates who have done bad things. After all, why focus any attention on a pledged Hillary Clinton delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention who literally tried to shoot someone in the face over the weekend when you can focus on hyperbole from a Trump delegate who didn’t shoot anyone?

(h/t Jammie Wearing Fools)