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5 Times Mike Pence Helped China Steal American Jobs

Politicians like Indiana’s Mike Pence have a lot to answer for.


“We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country, and that’s what they’re doing,” Trump explained during a campaign rally in Fort Wayne, Indiana last month. Trump, CNN reported, claimed he wasn’t “angry at China,” but rather with American politicians who engaged in this “grossly incompetent” trade.

Indeed. Politicians like Indiana’s Mike Pence have a lot to answer for. At one point you could have read all about Pence’s cozy relationship with these shifty currency manipulators on the governor’s own website. “Pence leads business trip to China,” one headline read. Now the page reroutes to

But no worries. Here are five times Pence made America less great.

Below, Pence visits Indiana-headquartered Foton Cummins Engine Company’s Beijing plant, where he lends a Chinese worker who’s stolen a job from a now-unemployed Hoosier a hand with his work.


Below, Pence cuts the ribbon at Haier America’s new Evansville facility, which will, according to company officials, play a key role in helping China take us to the cleaners. Haier’s global president, Liang Haishan, speaking in Chinese, explained that the United States will play a “very, very important and strategic part” in the foreign company’s global expansion plans. Thank you, governor.


Below, an inquisitive Pence asks an engineer at China International Marine Container, the parent company of Monon, of the Indiana-based Vanguard National Trailer Corporation, about a product that isn’t being manufactured in the Hoosier State.

pence 7

Below, Pence throws on the shades in a meeting with scientists and engineers doing high-paid work Americans won’t do at Shanghai’s China Research and Development Center, owned by the Indiana-headquartered Eli Lilly. pence 10

Below, Pence participates in the raping of the American worker by signing a “bad” trade agreement with Zhejiang Provincial Secretary Xia Baolong, the highest-ranking government official in the province. Smiles all around!


The governor even had them put together a nifty graphic to commemorate the jobs he’d be outsourcing to China. It looked like this:
