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Judge Dismisses Misdemeanor Charges Against The Man Who Exposed Planned Parenthood

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A judge threw out misdemeanor charges against David Daleiden, the man behind the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s organ-trafficking scheme.


A Houston judge has thrown out the misdemeanor charges against David Daleiden, the man behind the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s organ-trafficking scheme.

In January, a grand jury indicted Daleiden, of the Center for Medical Progress, for the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor. No charges were brought against the nation’s largest abortion provider, despite video footage of their executives haggling over the price of body parts harvested from aborted babies.

Judge Diane Bull, a judge in Harris County, Texas, dismissed the charges on Monday, ruling that the court doesn’t have the legal jurisdiction to hear the case as the indictment ignores a legal exception, The Houston Chronicle reported.

“This is a huge win for the pro-life movement. The charges brought by Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson were spurious at best,” said Jared Woodfill, one of Daleiden’s lawyers, according to Breitbart Texas.

In April, Daleiden’s attorneys filed a motion to quash the charges against the pro-life activist, alleging prosecutorial misconduct. In a statement included in the district attorney’s response to Daleiden’s motion, Josh Schaffer, attorney for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, admitted that one of the DAs behind the indictment illegally shared information with the abortion clinic.

As The Federalist reported, the individuals who brought the charges before the grand jury have a history with the abortion industry.

The defense attorney for abortionist Douglas Karpen, who has been described as the Kermit Gosnell of Texas, gave more than $25,000 in campaign contributions to the DA who indicted Daleiden. At the same DA’s office, one of the prosecuting attorneys served on the board of directors for the Planned Parenthood affiliate that Daleiden went after for three years. Her LinkedIn page also revealed that she has fundraised for the abortion provider since 2009, The Federalist reported.

Daleiden and one of his associates, Sandra Merritt, are also facing felony charges for tampering with a governmental record.