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Mother’s Day Is Not The Time To Justify Your Abortion

Share recently published an article by Jenny Kutner titled Women Who Have Had Abortions on Why They’re Proud Not to be Moms on Mother’s Day.” Kutner relates the anecdotes of four women who have had abortions. Unfortunately, the title and article are misleading, to say the least. These four women express regret, pain, and confusion about their abortions, demonstrating both the failed feminist philosophy that drives the pro-choice movement and the powerful reasons to be pro-life.

In Kutner’s article, Heather, 42, describes her abortion experience this way. “I have never doubted that abortion was the right decision for me at the time and have never regretted it since. It’s hard to be someone who knows you do not want to have children … in a world where that decision is seen as selfish or outrageous […] I don’t think about my abortion on Mother’s Day.”

Another woman in the article, Rebecca, 56, had an abortion because the baby “had a bunch of abnormalities.” She already had a child with heart defects when she learned of her unborn baby’s health problems. She said, “I don’t think about my kids on Mother’s Day; I just think about me. What we’re really fighting for is the autonomy to make these decisions. It’s not about the fetus or potential life, but about our ability to control our destinies.”

The dichotomous core of the abortion debate is personhood and choice. The latter is a ruse to cover up the fact that the majority of women who choose abortion do so because they don’t feel prepared to parent or are pursuing a career—selfish reasons borne of a movement that believes motherhood is a less valuable occupation than other careers.

Your Feelings Don’t Determine Reality

After Kutner posted her own story about having an abortion, another writer blogged about Kutner and the relation between abortion and Mother’s Day. Kutner writes, “[My abortion] wasn’t a difficult decision. At no point did I feel like I became a mother when I got pregnant — not when I saw two lines on the pregnancy test, not when I walked into the clinic for the procedure and not when I walked out […] I’ve never felt an early, unintended, unwanted pregnancy made me a mother.”

This ‘is no longer a matter of taste or opinion’: ‘each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.’

Kutner’s feeling don’t match reality, unfortunately, since science proves human life begins at conception. As I’ve written previously, leading doctors and professors have explained the immutable reality that conception equals life. Thus motherhood is bestowed upon you once this occurs. For example, Ashley Montague, a geneticist and professor at Harvard and Rutgers universities, is unsympathetic to the pro-life cause. Nevertheless, he affirms unequivocally, “The basic fact is simple: life begins not at birth, but conception.”

Dr. Jerome LeJeune, professor of genetics at the University of Descartes in Paris, discovered the chromosome pattern of Down syndrome. LeJeune testified to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee: “after fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being.” He said this “is no longer a matter of taste or opinion” and “each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.”

Further, if a woman isn’t carrying a human being before she aborts it and pregnancy doesn’t make her a mother, why are we even discussing abortion in relation to Mother’s Day? It doesn’t matter if a woman feels like she is a mom while carrying her child in utero pre- or post- abortion; she is. This may seem like semantics to the pro-choice crowd, but the abortion debate hinges heavily on this fact: personhood begins at conception. Otherwise, abortion is unnecessary.

A Backhanded Reinforcement of Pro-Life Arguments

While the article was no doubt published to show how far women have come, it’s also a twisted advertisement for feminist ideology: “You, too, can have an abortion and not think about it on Mother’s Day!” In that sense, it reads more like a way to grapple and justify the psychological and emotional torment of an abortion.

You are a mom, and your choice does not change that; but neither do you need to live buried underneath a mound of guilt and shame.

Two of the women, Jeni and Shawanna, alluded to feelings of pain, confusion, and fear in the aftermath of their abortions. In fact, the dark underbelly of the piece demonstrates just what philosophy pervades women in our society when murdering babies is not only legal but encouraged, even celebrated. These woman’s realities are far from the title, which suggests these women are “not proud to be moms” due to their abortions.

To the women who grappling with the pain of an abortion: You are a mom, and your choice does not change that; but neither do you need to live buried underneath a mound of guilt and shame. To the women who are trying to justify an abortion—or, worse, applauding, parading, or encouraging abortions—on any day, but especially Mother’s Day: Your moral relativism, flimsy excuses, and logical fallacies demonstrate that feminism’s philosophy of pervasive selfishness has left a parade of murdered babies and devastated mothers in its wake.

It’s time to encourage women to fulfill their positive potential in society. If it’s not realized in motherhood, at least reject the narrow, quick, easy path of “I focus on myself first” and take a stand for the marginalized, weak, and voiceless among us. It’s intellectually honest, scientifically plausible, and morally persuasive.