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Taxpayers Paid StemExpress $7K For Aborted Baby Brains, Other Organs


Since 2012, taxpayers have spent $10,161.73 on human brains harvested from aborted babies in a National Institutes of Health medical research project.


Since 2012, taxpayers have spent $10,161.73 on human brains harvested from aborted babies in a medical research project for the National Institutes of Health. Elizabeth Harrington of the Washington Free Beacon reported that the University of Connecticut used federal funds to buy brains and other organs from harvesters to spare mice pain and suffering.

Harrington writes:

The grant application, which was approved, explains how the researchers took care to reduce the amount of pain for the mice that were used as test subjects.

‘Procedures for ensuring that discomfort, distress, pain, and injury will be limited: There is no pain or discomfort associated with anesthesia and immediate subsequent decapitation,’ the document states.

UConn paid $7,130 for two intact brains and other organs from StemExpress, which served as an organ-processing middle man between scientists and Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics.

After getting aborted baby bodies from the abortion clinics, StemExpress employees would then rip out organs, package them individually, and sell them to labs to be used for research.

StemExpress recently cut ties with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, after undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress detailing their organ-trafficking scheme were released.

Cate Dyer, StemExpress’s CEO, was recently featured in one of these undercover videos, in which she quipped that she had seen “all sorts of stuff” regarding the unsanitary, disease-ridden conditions in Planned Parenthood clinics. Dyer also admitted that StemExpress often ships whole baby heads to its labs to preserve “fragile” neural tissue.

“Tell the lab it’s coming, so they don’t open the box and go ‘Oh God!’” Dyer said.

According to the Free Beacon, email correspondence between Dyer and research project coordinators reveals that StemExpress used a “Fetal Foot Chart” when determining the age of an aborted baby. Dyer also sent a UConn professor overseeing the project a photo of brain tissue collected from a child that was at least 16 weeks old.

StemExpress wasn’t the only human-organ dealer selling baby parts for NIH’s project. UConn paid $645 for an intact head and $300 for two second-trimester brains from Advanced Bioscience Resources Inc.

“Processing costs for human fetal tissue are allowable for an NIH-supported research project provided that they are consistent with all policy/regulatory/legal requirements of the funded project and are compliant with the cost principles,” NIH spokesperson Renate Myles told the Free Beacon.

However the legality of Planned Parenthood’s organ harvesting scheme is murky at best. It is currently under congressional investigation to determine whether the organization illegally profited from baby organs it “donated” for cash.

Planned Parenthood has recently changed its organ trafficking policies and will no longer take money for the organs it harvests. Its leaders claim Planned Parenthood does not profit from this money-for-baby-parts scheme, insisting they merely accepted reimbursement, but Planned Parenthood officials have been repeatedly caught on tape haggling over organ prices. This policy change suggests they knew what they were doing was illegal.

Their abortionists have also admitted to performing illegal partial-birth abortions in order to get more sellable, intact organs from baby bodies. Federal law states that “no alteration of the timing, method, or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy was made solely for the purpose of obtaining the tissue.” Yet two abortionists have described using ultrasound guidance to pull the baby out feet-first  in order to get more valuable organs from the child.