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Breaking News Alert Democrats Hijack Doug Collins' Confirmation Hearing To Push Extreme Abortion Agenda

It Makes No Sense For Gun Banners To Support Abortion


Two weeks ago, an OB-GYN in West Bloomfield, Michigan, struck a special-needs child with his car. When police obtained his vehicle’s “black box” to examine recorded data from the accident, they discovered that Michael Arthur Roth was hoarding human tissue, likely from dead babies, in 14 plastic containers in his trunk. Law enforcement are now investigating whether Roth was performing illegal abortions in the homes of his patients and at his own residence.

Liberals have long argued that keeping the practice legal would prevent women from terminating their pregnancies in unsafe conditions. But, as this case in Michigan shows, there are still abortionists willing to perform the procedure illegally, even if that means having to ride around with dead babies in the trunk of their cars to hide them from the authorities.

These so-called “women’s health” warriors would likely claim that if more abortion facilities were available, fewer women would seek Roth’s services. But West Bloomfield already has an abortion clinic, and the township is located less than 30 miles away from Detroit, which also features numerous abortion providers, including a Planned Parenthood facility.

Atrocities Are Isolated Incidents When It’s Abortion

As stories like Roth’s emerge, it is becoming increasingly clear that this is a practice rooted not in women’s health, but instead, in murder. Abortion advocates would likely contend, as they have so many times before, that this case is but an outlier among the sterling, professional facilities that are typical of the industry, but their position is becoming increasingly untenable.

The media and abortion rights advocates cry that each disgusting example doesn’t reflect the industry as a whole.

What about Kermit Gosnell’s abortion factory, where babies were left flailing half-alive and women were fighting for their lives? We were told it would be illogical to assign the horrors of his practice to the outstanding providers of “women’s health” around the country.

Or what about the videos showing Planned Parenthood executives bragging about buying luxury cars by selling the tissue of aborted babies? Planned Parenthood responded by first attacking the video producer, then proudly proclaiming they were offering a needed service, and then asserting this behavior was not the norm at their organization (and, after several months, ultimately promising to stop making a profit off selling baby parts).

The media and abortion rights advocates cry that each disgusting example doesn’t reflect the industry as a whole. They insist these cases prove why we need more abortion clinics and more abortion providers who can safely offer these services that many women so obviously want.

Not So With Guns

There are 270 million guns in America today. With each infrequent instance of gun violence, gun-control zealots demand we outlaw firearms or at least significantly restrict the rights of lawful gun owners. Despite the fact that shootings have declined over the past two decades, activists need little motivation to call for regulations they claim are reasonable efforts to save lives. They argue that mass shootings, no matter how rare they might be within the larger context of gun ownership, define the use of guns in the United States.

With each abortion case, Americans are told that, unlike gun ownership, these atrocities should be viewed as exceptions to the rule.

By comparison, there are fewer than 1,800 abortion providers in America, but there are countless examples of this murderous enterprise subverting the law or ignoring medical ethics. This includes, but is not limited to: neglecting patients; failing to provide adequate care for babies surviving botched abortions; refusing to obtain parental consent for minor children seeking procedures; failing to report known cases of rape, incest, and pedophilia; and selling baby parts for profit. With each case, Americans are told that, unlike gun ownership, these atrocities should be viewed as exceptions to the rule.

But what should cause more societal concern: something that happens at an alarming frequency among a small population (abortion providers) or something that happens at an ever-decreasing, infrequent rate among a massive population (gun owners)?

Those calling for gun control are likely ideological siblings of those who resist any restrictions on abortion. While they whine that the country must “do something” about gun violence, they don’t want to “do something” about murderous events that happen at a much higher frequency with the practice of abortion.

Fine, Let’s Do Something About Violence

When pro-life Americans ask for reasonable regulations—clean facilities, doctors maintaining admitting privileges at local hospitals to protect the mother or baby if an abortion goes wrong, parental consent for minor children seeking abortion, limits that would be on par with the rest of the civilized world (outlawing abortions after the first trimester)—liberals accuse them of trying to restrict women’s rights and sending females back to the pre-suffrage era.

These are the same people who mock gun-rights supporters who see any violation of their Second Amendment rights as a step toward taking away their guns.

That’s because abortion advocates believe that even the most modest regulations of this industry would lead to lawmakers ultimately outlawing the practice. Funny enough, these are the same people who mock gun-rights supporters who see any violation of their Second Amendment rights as a step toward taking away their guns altogether.

While gun control proponents perpetuate the erroneous notion that mass shootings characterize lawful gun ownership, abortion advocates willfully fail to acknowledge the statistical reality of atrocities actually defining their industry. The repeated call of progressives to “do something” about violence caused by individuals using firearms is simply not extended to thwarting the violence caused by individuals robbing human beings of their right to life through abortion.

Before those on the Left start hurling rocks through their glass abattoirs at lawful gun ownersmaybe they should consider “doing something” about those purported outliers who so clearly define their slavish and unquestioning devotion to the unbridled practice of abortion.