The gloves are off, the brass knuckles are on, and Rick Perry is ready to mess Donald Trump up.
During a speech before the Opportunity and Freedom PAC Forum today in Washington, D.C., the former Texas governor made clear that he is not a fan of what he calls the “cancer of Trump-ism.”
“[M]ost telling to me is not Mr. Trump’s bombast, his refusal to show any remorse for his comments about Senator McCain, but his admission that there is not a single time in his life that he sought the forgiveness of God,” Perry said of the wealthy New York real estate mogul.
“A man too arrogant, too self-absorbed, to seek God’s forgiveness is precisely the type of leader John Adams prayed would never occupy the White House.”
Wow, Rick Perry is going OFF
Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) July 22, 2015
Perry then took a scriptural tack and characterized Trump as a “false prophet” hell-bent on fomenting resentment rather than presenting solutions to America’s political problems.
“My fellow Republicans, beware of false prophets,” Perry said. “Do not let itching ears be tickled by messengers who appeal to anger, division and resentment.”
“Resentment is the poison we swallow that we hope harms another,” he continued. “My fellow Republicans, don’t take the poison.”
Perry, who served as governor of Texas for nearly 14 years, also smacked Trump around for his attack on American prisoners of war. In remarks in Iowa over the weekend, Trump said, “I like people that weren’t captured.”
“Donald Trump was born into privilege. He received deferments to avoid service in Vietnam. He breathes the free air thousands of heroes died protecting,” Perry noted. “And he couldn’t have endured for five minutes what John McCain endured for five and a half years.”
Unlike Trump, who repeatedly sought deferments to avoid having to serve in combat during the Vietnam war, Perry served in the military as a pilot in the U.S. Air Force.