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Displaying 121 results for: SNL

The Ten Commandments Of Oscar Films

…nomination for his role of Woody Grant in the Alexander Payne film Nebraska. Woody and his son David, played by Will Forte (SNL), spend the film traveling together to Lincoln…

Welcome To Thunderdome 2016

…experience: he’s great on the trail. John Kasich as: Chevy Chase – So back in 1977, Chevy Chase leaves SNL to become a big hit in movies, which was just…

Give Sarah Palin A Break

…became an unforgettable SNL parody. The Washington Examiner’s Byron York, an august member of the conservative media class, filed a report entitled, “As 2016 race begins, GOP faces its Palin…

How To Promote Harmony Around Your Easter Dinner Table

…it is possible violent conflict with North Korea or the recent controversy over Aziz Ansari and the #metoo movement (captured brilliantly by another SNL sketch). It simply means placing…

The Federalist’s Favorite Books Of 2018

…MacDonald—MacDonald took his assignment of “Former SNL cast member writes another memoir” and created something truly remarkable. The book is a collection of tales from Norm’s past—to the best of…

The Federalist’s Guide To The 2020 Oscars

…three woke women co-workers joining forces to take down their 21st-century Dabney Coleman with slapstick style, “Bombshell” plays like a drearily padded made-for-TV yawner, with occasional, tiresomely obvious, “SNL”-level political…

7 Key Observations About The Choice Of Kamala Harris

…Leftist authoritarian type. If you are an anti-war pro-pot Bernie Sanders-liking class warrior type, Kamala does nothing for you. Biden is counting on Trump and the SNL/Maya Rudolph pro-Kamala celebrity…

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