Former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann has a long history of overreacting to things and calling people he disagrees with a “fascist.” Most recently, Olbermann said The Wall Street Journal‘s editorial page was a voice of fascism.
Olbermann’s tweet was in response to an article published in the Journal explaining why Robert Mueller should not be leading the investigation into alleged connections between President Trump and Russia, which WSJ columnist Kimberly Strassel shared via Twitter.
The author of “Trump Is F***ing Crazy” has called a lot of people he doesn’t like “fascists,” including Sean Hannity and Sheriff Clarke, and anyone who dares to criticize the NFL kneelers.
He's been doing it for five years. Pull your hat up from on top of your eyes and maybe you'll see something, you self-righteous fascist.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) September 17, 2017
Face it. @SebGorka is not merely a fascist, not merely loyal to another country – but he knows nothing. #OklahomaCity
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 9, 2017
Actually, you’re an idiot. About half of the ratings metrics are up. Learn to read. And drop the fascism.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 15, 2017
What a wretched human @KellyannePolls truly is #LeaveOurCountry #Fascist
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) November 21, 2016
OMG @seanhannity if you would only put a laugh track on your show it'd be the highest rated thing on TV #Fascist #AvatarPhotoFrom1999
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 18, 2017
Bannon gone. Now to force Trump to get rid of the real racist/fascist/destroyer in the administration: Trump.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 18, 2017
The man who has been anchoring a weekly web show for GQ called “The Resistance” has been known to overreact for quite some time. Remember that “Saturday Night Life” skit from 2008 in which Ben Affleck, playing Olbermann, calls Sen. John McCain a Nazi sympathizer and then-president George W. Bush a racist? We do.
That SNL skit parodying Olbermann’s behavior wasn’t far off from his real-life behavior either. Never change, Keith!