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The ‘Party Of Democracy’ Has Tried To Boot Its Incumbent, Opponent, And Independents From The Ballot

Democrats are all for ‘democracy’ — as long as their chosen candidate is the only choice.


Henry Ford famously said of his Model T cars that the “customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” A hundred years later, the Democrat Party bosses are effectively saying the same thing: We are for “democracy” as long as our chosen candidate is the only choice.  

First, the Democrat Party bosses prevented any real primary challenge to their incumbent. Then, after Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. bowed out of the Democrat primary to run as an independent in the general election, the Democrat bosses filed legal challenge after legal challenge to prevent him from appearing on the ballots in Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Delaware, and New Jersey.

As Kennedy stated, “In the name of saving democracy, a Democratic Party set itself to dismantle it. Lacking confidence that its candidate could win a fair election at the voting booth, the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself.” 

Unfortunately for the Democrat bosses, President Joe Biden exposed his mental and physical decline to the entire world in the now-infamous June 27 debate with Donald Trump, and they could no longer keep up the charade. In the weeks following the debate, Biden tried to reassure his party leadership, in failed interview after failed interview, that he could manage on the campaign trail. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, the only elected Democrat who managed to make it to New Hampshire, called out the powers that be, saying, “If this has been vindication, vindication has never been so unfulfilling.” 

Phillips continued, “I made my case eight months ago and I think it’s time for others to share their perspectives. I’m deeply disappointed in a political system that has resulted in this dynamic that we now face.” 

So the bosses forced a man who likely did not know what X, or Twitter, even was to release two statements on the social media website dropping out of the race and endorsing Kamala Harris. After Harris was installed as the new Democrat nominee for president, Nancy Pelosi admitted on CNN, “I did what I had to do … My concern was not about the president; it was about his campaign.” 

And just like that, 14 million Democrat primary votes for Joe Biden were tossed into the garbage, right where the party bosses wanted them. 

But not only Democrat primary voters were denied an alternative. Through whatever convoluted excuse they could come up with, the party bosses attempted to force any and all potential liberal rivals off of the general election ballot so the party didn’t run into another “blue wall” problem as it did in 2016. In places such as Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Democrats tried to keep RFK Jr., Cornell West, and Jill Stein off the ballot. It’s so patently absurd that even in her home state of Wisconsin, a DNC staffer filed a petition with the Wisconsin Elections Commission to keep Stein off the ballot, alleging that she failed to complete a technical, procedural step. 

No one can argue this is anything but a cynical hypocritical power play, as only now that Kennedy has suspended his campaign and thrown his support to Trump do Democrats want Kennedy to remain on the ballot, presumably in the hopes that he will siphon off votes from Trump.  

And that brings us to Democrats’ egregious election interference against their chief political rival. The Democrats in power weaponized the Department of Justice in ways previously unseen to keep Trump from running for another term.  

They raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home to retrieve documents and bring charges against him while ignoring documents Biden had no right to as senator and vice president, which were lackadaisically stored beside his Corvette in a garage.  

They judge- and jury-shopped indictments against Trump in New York City, D.C., Georgia, and Florida, yet only succeeded in convicting him on a twisted novel theory that is a prime example of political persecution. No one ever has been, and no one else likely ever will be, charged in such a case.   

And a unanimous United States Supreme Court rejected the Democrat bosses’ attempts in Maine, Colorado, Illinois, and elsewhere to keep Trump off ballots in those states under a rejected 14th Amendment argument. 

The Democrat Party bosses have disenfranchised their own voters by installing a presidential nominee who has received no votes for president, either this primary election or during her short-lived 2020 presidential campaign. In the general election, they will continue to work to remove candidates from the ballot or worse, put them in jail.

Forget Henry Ford, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin would be proud of the Democrat Party’s efforts to give voters no choice in the election.  

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