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How Much Porn Do Libraries And Schools Have To Sponsor To Get Defunded?

Public institutions are caught between a rock and a hard place with large factions of citizens who want exactly opposite societies.


The latest big flare-up over public education institutions sponsoring explicit sexual materials for kids occurred in Dearborn, Michigan, on Thursday. The community’s majority-Muslim school parents pitched a royal fit at two school board meetings last week over homosexual and transsexual books for kids on public school library shelves.

They verbally clashed with teachers union and other LGBT activist groups and locals. The pro-LGBT speakers insisted that attempting to keep sexually explicit materials from kids amounted to “erasing” homosexuals and transexuals and an act of “hate” against their identities.

There are few opportunities for compromise here. The two groups want exactly opposite things: more books about gay sex for kids versus no books about gay sex for kids. Even a compromise such as requiring parental approval for kids to view books about gay sex is offensive to both sides.

LGBT people told the board they view that as “erasing” their identity. They say denying support for homosexual and transsexual behavior emotionally and physically endangers children with sexual proclivities like theirs.

Traditional religious people are repulsed by being forced to subsidize the promotion of sexual behaviors their religions teach are evil and disordered and therefore will lead to human unhappiness and self-destruction. For them, being forced to subsidize sexually explicit materials for kids is in the same repellant category as being forced to subsidize abortion.

Essentially, both sides believe the other’s position enables child abuse. If you are the logical kind — and there are fewer people capable of logical thinking now, in our degraded age — you realize that both sides cannot be correct. Either one side is right that the other’s position equals child abuse, or they both are wrong. That’s a starting point for figuring out what to do.

Yet one of these sides doesn’t care about using logical tools to seek truth. It rejects the very idea of a truth that applies to all people and insists that each person is the arbiter of his own truth, his own reality, right down to where he insists on placing his body parts or even chooses to sever some. This is therefore not a practical disagreement, but a fundamental philosophical difference that really does not allow for a compromise.

That is part of why the debates over these issues are so emotional and so resistant to persuasion. People resist changing their understanding of sex (and many other fundamental realities) because they implicitly understand it would require shaking up their understanding of what is ultimately good, and it would implicate their own choices.

Our society used to be better at publicly honoring those who change their minds and facilitating discourse as a means to discover truth. That reduces the psychological barriers to being persuaded by good reason, allowing people and society to grow.

But identity politics’ cultural Marxism rejects the very idea of truth, of a fixed human nature, of eternal moralities that transcend and refine all our desires. This turns dialogue from an exercise in seeking truth for the purpose of acting upon it into an exercise of power.

Cultural Marxism discards truth for endless power plays because it rejects the source of truth, which is ultimately God. So it’s no accident that we see such public clashes between people whose fixed truth is that there is no truth outside themselves and people whose fixed truth is that the ultimate truth is outside themselves and its author is divine.

It’s impossible for these two irreconcilable frames for the world not to clash. They are fundamentally two different religions.

A societal disagreement such as this destroys the possibility of a truly public square, or any kind of society at all. The very existence of a public square requires a public — not just a collection of assorted people who happen to be in the same place, but people who share an identity.

You can’t really have a society without shared core assumptions about the world and man’s proper place in it. As the great Russell Kirk taught us, culture is a descendant of religion. Culture flows from what we worship. Some of us worship God, and some worship their own id. The latter faction in the United States has now grown and seized enough power to subjugate the former majority.

That’s ultimately the origin of our culture wars and why they are so intractable. They are a civilizational clash between the people who believe man is his own god and people who believe man is created by God and owes Him reverence.

Our culture war is religious at its root. To modify Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the dividing line between these two irreconcilable religious views runs through our own neighborhoods, cities, states, and country. And the self-deifying pagan Marxist view now controls our nation’s institutions.

Educating children is a fundamentally religious endeavor, and most American parents are sending their kids to schools that preach secular paganism. The pagan self-supremacists want to keep kiddie sex books in schools because they believe sex is an encounter with the divine — the divine self. These book-banning fights are just proxy wars over what religion will be taught to American children, as more parents discover that a religion opposed to theirs receives huge government preferences.

It will be interesting to see how much porn in schools and libraries parents are willing to tolerate before they’re done letting secularists who are so morally bankrupt as to think porn is great for kids control their kids’ education. The battle lines are already drawn in Dearborn, and that town is not alone.

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