Tony Bobulinski, an ex-Biden family business associate who has spoken up about the corruption plaguing President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson that the FBI agent at the heart of the Hunter laptop investigation failed to follow up with him about allegations that the Biden family was involved in possibly criminal business dealings.
In a teaser for the full interview, which is scheduled to air at 8 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, Bobulinski claims he hasn’t heard from FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault since before the 2020 election, nearly two years ago.
“Tim Thibault, in his last discussion with my legal counsel was, ‘Listen, we know Tony is cooperating. We appreciate all the information he’s provided. We will follow up with you. We’re definitely going to have him come in for a follow-up interview or spend some more time on this.’ And, and I haven’t heard from them since,” Bobulinski said.
“At all?” Carlson asked.
“Nor my lawyers,” Bobulinski added.
As Carlson confirmed, there was “No communication” from Thibault to Bobulinski “whatsoever since before the 2020 election.”
“It’s shocking,” Carlson said.
“Shocking. Yeah, that would be one adjective,” Bobulinski said.
Bobulinski’s account of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop is on par with reports given to Republicans Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson by FBI and DOJ whistleblowers who say that Thibault coordinated with the Director of Election Crimes Branch Richard Pilger to dismiss potentially incriminating information about Hunter as “disinformation.”
Grassley wrote both Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray in May to warn them of “likely violations of Federal laws, regulations, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) guidelines” by Thibault. According to that May 31 letter, the high-ranking, veteran FBI agent from the Washington Field Office “demonstrated a pattern of active public partisanship” on his social media that “is likely a violation of his ethical obligations as an FBI employee.”
Just two months later, Grassley detailed how Thibault’s political partisanship actually “went much deeper than the inappropriate social media posts” and “impacted his official decision-making on sensitive public corruption investigations.” That included shutting down “an avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting.” Thibault also allegedly tried to “improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future.”
Bobulinski says he has “thousands of documents, text messages, WhatsApp conversations, recordings of the sitting president of the United States in his own voice” that the FBI could have used in their investigation into Hunter’s laptop and potential fraud.
“The good news is it’s just not my word against the Bidens’,” Bobulinski said.
Carlson first interviewed Bobulinski in October 2020. It was then that the retired Navy lieutenant provided documentation and testimony that, despite the president’s denial, Joe Biden was deeply involved in his son’s foreign business dealings with China.
“I think Joe Biden and the Biden family is compromised,” Bobulinski said at the time. “I just don’t see, given the history here and the facts, how Joe can’t be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have here with CEFC,” a Chinese energy company.