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‘Repeat The Line’: White House Retroactively Alters Transcript To Smooth Biden’s Gaffe

President Joe Biden laughs
Image CreditWhite House/Flickr

During a speech about his new abortion-focused executive order, 79-year-old President Joe Biden once again found himself struggling to properly vocalize the words on his teleprompter

But that’s not a new occurrence. As a matter of fact, it has happened over and over and over and over again, but this time Biden’s handlers at the White House had his back.

Clips of the speech clearly show the gaffe-prone president saying “end of quote. Repeat the line.”

Biden’s verbal slip appeared to prompt a smirk from Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. it immediately caught the attention of quite a few Twitter users as well who turned the moment into a chance to mock the elderly president and his corrupt son, Hunter Biden.

The White House transcript of Biden’s address, however, was changed to claim Biden said “end of quote. Let me repeat the line.”

Despite clear footage documenting Biden’s blunder, White House Assistant Press Secretary Emilie Simons tried to gaslight Twitter into believing Biden wasn’t really reading cues directly from the teleprompter. In true Orwellian fashion, she claimed Biden said what the White House told Americans he said.

“No. He said, “let me repeat that line.”

Simons was subsequently dogpiled on Twitter for failing to acknowledge that Biden did indeed say “repeat the line,” indicating that he was just reciting garbled instructions.

While corrupt corporate media made a massive fuss about the Trump White House changing one of his press-directed insults in an official transcript in 2018, none of them had made a peep about Biden’s blunder as of Friday afternoon.