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Angry, Defiant Stacey Abrams Is The ‘New Normal’


Politico’s widely read “Playbook” newsletter on Monday referred to both “relative normalcy” and “a new normal.” The phrases are never defined but to give you an idea of what they mean, think of not-governor, not-vice president Stacey Abrams.

Abrams on Friday paid a visit to a Georgia elementary school where she posed for a wince-worthy photograph that showed her sitting in an uncomfortable Indian style, without wearing a mask, but surrounded by children muzzled in face covers.

A giddy Abrams is all smiles. I have no idea if the children were equally excited. Their mouths were blocked by the masks.

People noticed that the Democrat, who is once again running to be the governor of Georgia, was not doing the thing she has been insisting everyone else do.

“[W]e should be doing more to save lives. Wear masks.”— Abrams, Sep. 21, 2021

“Wear a mask.”— Abrams, Nov. 3, 2020

“Wear a mask.”— Abrams, July 26, 2020

Abrams never apologized for the transgression nor did she bother explaining it as a mistake or lapse in judgment. Instead, her campaign attacked the people who saw what she had done, and then made clear that what Abrams did was just fine because even though she wasn’t wearing a mask, as the star of the event, it was only necessary that everyone else was.

Lauren Groh-Wargo, Abrams’ campaign manager, published a statement calling any criticism of the candidate “baseless,” “pitiful,” and “predictable.”

Groh-Wargo added that Abrams “wore a mask to the event, and removed it at the podium so she could be heard by students watching remotely and for photos, but only with folks who were masked.”

Understand that Abrams is a special celebrity. She needs to be heard and seen. She can’t do that with a mask stifling her breath. But the children and others in her presence can certainly endure the inconvenience. Unlike Abrams, they’re not important. They’re nobodies.

That’s the “new normal,” the “relative normalcy” that Democrats and their reliable reinforcements in the media are talking about. The cumbersome mandates, restrictions, and rules to “mask up” and “social distance” are required for you, optional for them.

Mind you, of everyone in the photo at the school, Abrams, as a plus-sized Woman of Color, was the only one who would appear to be at high risk of severe Covid-related illness. She gambled with her life, and the lives of those around her, anyway. That tells you everything about Democrats and their professed fealty to “the science.”

We’ve seen it a million times. Democrats and leftists in the media go about enjoying their own lives while breathing fire on anyone they consider beneath them for doing so much as attending an outdoor football game or catching a flight to visit family.

Once upon a time, those were normal things. They don’t like that. They want the “new normal,” the “relative normalcy.” That’s not a world where we all make a few adjustments. It’s where Abrams and her team — the special people — get to do as they please, and you — someone not special — should only be grateful that she bothered to show up for a picture with your muzzled children.