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Race Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Convicted On Five Of Six Counts After Staging Fake Chicago Attack In 2019

Jussie Smollett on ABC
Image CreditABC News / Youtube

Former actor Jussie Smollett was convicted by a jury on five counts of disorderly conduct on Thursday over staging a hate crime against himself in 2019.


Former “Empire” star Jussie Smollett was convicted by a jury on five counts of disorderly conduct on Thursday over staging a hate crime against himself in 2019.

Smollett, 39, was indicted on six counts in 2019 after authorities investigating the celebrity’s claims of a brutally racist and homophobic attack found that the assault had been orchestrated by himself. According to Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, Smollett hired a pair of Nigerian brothers to stage a conditional attack that would later be treated as a virulent “hate crime,” earning the actor sympathy from politicians and media personalities.

“I come really, really hard against 45,” Smollett said in reference to then-President Donald Trump when explaining to ABC’s Robin Roberts why he felt he was attacked by two white men who screamed racial and homophobic slurs before they tied a noose around his neck and showered his skin with bleach, according to Smollett’s telling.

Smollett was only acquitted of one count of disorderly conduct, which referred to a report he gave to detective Robert Graves.

The five other counts on which Smollett was found guilty include telling Chicago Police Officer Muhammad Baig he had been victimized in a hate crime, telling the same officer he was a battery victim, making the same two claims to Officer Kimberly Murray, and making another battery claim to Murray the next evening.

Penalties for a single disorderly conduct charge ultimately remain under judicial discretion, but the crime is punishable with up to three years incarceration and a $25,000 fine.