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EXCLUSIVE: More Voters In Fairfax, Loudoun Counties Oppose Critical Race Theory Than Support it

Loudoun Fairfax

By a ratio of more than two-to-one, respondents replied they would be ‘much less likely’ to vote for an official who backs the doctrine.


A new poll obtained by The Federalist indicates voters in two counties where the fight over curricula has brewed into national controversy are not in favor of critical race theory overhauling the classroom.

The survey, released by Public Opinion Strategies and paid for by and N2America, points to voters in Fairfax and Loudoun, Virginia counties opposing critical race theory dogma. Parents and teachers in both of the northern Virginia areas have been enwrapped in battles, speaking out at board meetings and fighting curricula changes.

Data shows 50 percent of the 400 respondents have an unfavorable view of critical race theory, while only 42 percent have a favorable one. The divide was even greater among a few demographics. 79 percent of women 55 and older affirmed the negative view, as did 81 percent of Independent voters 55 and older and 59 percent of public-school parents.

“Certain people a lot of times in public schools and in school boards have constantly been saying that the people speaking up are just a small minority,” Ian Prior, executive director of, told The Federalist. “This shows them that is not the case. However they want to frame what they’re doing in Loudoun County Public Schools, or Fairfax County Public Schools,  they’ll give you all kinds of different definitions — culturally responsive learning, equity programs.”

“They won’t defend it as critical race theory,” Prior continued. “But it’s all the same thing, and people don’t like it. Parents don’t like it. From this poll, it shows that they intensely hate it.”

Half of voters indicated they oppose critical race theory being taught in public schools, with 86 percent of Republicans, 57 percent of Independents, and nearly one-quarter of Democrats concurring.

By a ratio of more than two-to-one, respondents replied they would be “much less likely” to vote for an official who backs the doctrine. Only 16 percent of those polled said they would be “much more likely” to both vote for someone supporting critical race theory and seek it to be taught in public schools.

Polling also shows voters in Loudoun County are in favor of the school board getting recalled. Forty-nine percent support the effort versus 31 percent in opposition. More than 30 percent of President Joe Biden voters support the recall, as do more than one-quarter of Democrats, 48 percent of Independents, and 54 percent of public school parents.

“Just as we found in a nationwide survey we conducted earlier this year, most people are opposed to the teachings of critical race theory,” said Asra Nomani, a Fairfax County parent and vice president of strategy and investigations at Parents Defending Education. “Northern Virginia is a hotbed of critical race theory in public schools, and voters here are sounding the alarm bell that they are looking for policymakers who promote policies of education, not indoctrination.”

See below for the survey.

Public Opinion Strategies – Fairfax and Loudoun Counties Poll by The Federalist on Scribd